New Additions

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I woke up early that morning to the bedroom door opening. I looked at the clock, it was seven-thirty. "Hey, I'm about to leave." Waylon whispered sitting on the bed beside me. "Okay, be careful." I told him. "I always am. Plus, I wouldn't miss tonight for the world." He told me, kissing my temple and standing up. "I'll text you when I'm on my way." I smiled. "I'll see you tonight." He nodded and left.

I couldn't go back to sleep after he left. I got up and took a shower, shaving my legs and all that good stuff. When I stepped out and wrapped the towel around me I heard Natalya's phone going off. I opened the door and went into the room. It was an unknown number. I looked at Nat and she was still passed out. "Hello." I answered stepping out into the hallway. "Nat?" "No, who is this?" I asked. "Oh, this must be the Caylie. Don't you recognize my voice sweet cheeks?" He asked. "If I did I wouldn't have asked but with that snarky tone, there is one guess that I can make." "And?" "You should just leave her alone, Adam. She's done with you." He chuckled. "No one is done with me. Looks like my brother didn't shake you up to bad if you're still a total..." "You and your brother can stay out of my family." I said and hung up.

After I set her phone back down, I picked out some clothes. A pair of shorts and an over sized grey sweater. I went down stairs and made some coffee. As I sat out on the porch, it felt like everything was coming together for me. Besides everything with Paxton. Whisky and Red were happy, so they seemed. I was about to go inside when Whisky walked over to the porch slowly with something in his mouth. Red was right under him, literally. "What do you have Whisky?" I asked him. He came over to me; I set my cup down and held my hands together. He had a light grip on whatever it was.

When he laid it in my hands I gasped. "Oh my gosh, Whisky, where did you find them?" I asked him. He laid two tiny kittens in my hand; it looked as if they were a couple hours old. "Red are these yours?" I asked her. Dumb of me to ask an animal but they have their ways. She mowed. I stood up and let them lead me to where they found them. There was one more, even smaller; if that is even possible. "Is everything okay?" I heard one of the officers ask. "Uh, yeah. They found some kittens." I looked around to see if there was a mother kitten around. I found her but she wasn't breathing. I had to look away. I picked up the other kitten and walked back up to the porch. "What are you going to do with them?" Officer Rodger asked. "Um, clean them up and see if they will drink some warm milk. I've never had to deal with kittens that weren't already eating food." He nodded. "Did Waylon tell y'all about tonight?" I asked him. "Yeah, everything is in place. We are going to follow your sisters out there to your brothers and sit there." He told me. "Okay. Thank y'all. For everything." I tell him. "No problem." He said going back to his car.

I took them into the house and took an old sheet out of the closet in the laundry room to wrap them in. I sat down on the floor in the living room. Red came and sat down beside me. "What do I do Red?" I asked her. I laid the blanket in front of her; she sniffed the three kittens and started licking them. I took my phone out of my back pocket and called Trudy. She just so happens to be a vet. Lucky me. "Hello?" She asked, still a little sleepy. "Hey, I didn't wake you did I?" I asked her. She yawned. "No, I just got up. Mickey was crying. What can I do you for?" "Whisky and Red found three kittens. The momma's dead." I told her. "Oh dear, um, how old do they look?" She asked. "They look to be a few hours. One is very tiny though." "Okay, do you want to keep them?" She asked. I looked at Red and she looked like she wouldn't let anyone take them away. "Um, Red has already gotten attached." "Alright, I'll get some stuff and be over in a little while. They are probably hungry." She said. "Okay, thank you Trudy." "You're welcome Caylie." She said hanging up.

I sat there and watched Red lick them motherly. Whisky came over and started to help her. They are like parents with the way they are acting. A cat and dog, adopting three kittens, I don't think I've heard of such a thing. I went and picked up my camera from the counter and took a few pictures. I heard a knock at the door, so I stood up and went to answer it. "I brought party favors." Trudy joked. I laughed "Nice, look at these two. They've been doing that for the last five minutes." Trudy set her bag on the ground and sat next to Red. "Can I look at them to make sure they are okay, Red?" Trudy asked her, slowly moving her hand to pick up one of them. Red hissed. "Red, she's only trying to help them." I told her. Trudy picked them up one by one, finding the genders, feeding them, and helping them pee and poop. We have one girl and two boys. The girl is the very tiny one. "I brought enough to last a month. All you have to do is fill it up with Luke-warm water to the second line and then put one scoop of milk powder in it and shake. Then you get this wet cloth and wipe there areas and then you're done. Do it every two hours." She told me. "Are you going out to Anthony's tonight? I have the date tonight and Natalya, Delilah, and Rory are going out there. I am going to let Whisky and Red go to. Since he has such a big place, they will like to explore and steal food." She laughed. "Yes we are. I can bring them out there and then let Nat bring them back home. Are you going to be out there or are you just coming straight home?" She asked. "We are coming back here and going to bed. The cop car outside is going with them and then follow them back sometime in the morning."

"Oooo, little alone time with Mr. Detective." Trudy said wiggling her eyebrows. I pushed her playfully as we laughed. "No, nothing like that, he's a great guy." I told her. "Someone has a crush." She sang, making me blush. "Oh, quit it. You should have been here last night; I was so embarrassed to be related to anyone in the house." I said putting the palm of my hand to my head. "What happened?" I told her about what happened last night in the kitchen and she started laughing so hard that she was crying. "Oh man, they should have recorded it!" She gasped out a laugh. I laughed, shaking my head. "Yeah, I think I would have loved having it as a reminder to never bring a guy around them. I was going to sleep with Delilah but went and took something for my headache and we started talking about tonight. Then Delilah called me and when I looked back at him he was so close that our nose touched. He cupped my cheek and we were about to kiss..." I trailed off. "But?" She urged. "Delilah came down the stairs and yelled at me." I said hanging my head. She started another fit of laughter. "Oh, that won't be the last time she does that. Raven and Mickey do it all of the time." I laughed. "I better go; Andy is going to leave for work soon. I'll take Red and the kittens and Whisky can ride out there with Natalya." I nodded. I picked up the kittens and followed her out to the car with Red behind me. Whisky came up to give Red and the kittens a kiss before looking at me sadly. "You'll see them tonight." I told him rubbing his head.

It was almost eight-thirty when I started making breakfast for everyone. When I was done, I set it away from the edge of the counter, knowing Whisky would try and get them. I picked up a piece of sausage and gave it to him. I went up stairs and started packing an overnight bag for Delilah. I really didn't know what else to do. Usually I have a packed schedule but since everything happened I rescheduled everything for next week. I lay down on the couch and stared at the ceiling. Whisky came over and lay down on top of me. "You are very heavy, you know that right?" I asked him. He whimpered and put his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms round him and sighed. "I miss doing this." I told him leaning my head against his and closing my eyes.

I guess I fell asleep because Delilah was staring at me intently when I opened my eyes. "Trying to wake me up with your mind?" I asked her. She giggled. I pulled her into my arms and cuddled with her. I gasped when her air touched my neck. "Your hairs cold. What did you do, sleep in the Arctic?" I asked her. She sat up. "No, I took a bath, silly" She said giggling again. I smiled at her. "Where's Red?" She asked. "She's with Aunt Trudy. Red and Whisky found three kittens this morning and Red wanted to go with them." She gasped. "Can we keep them?" She said, making a puppy dog face. I groaned. "It doesn't work when Whisky does it. What makes you think it will if you do it?" I groaned and put my arm over my face. When I took it off, she was still doing it. "Ugh, until we can find homes for them, that is it." I told her sternly. She nodded, jumping up and down. 

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