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The words of Felix didn't even registered in Seungmin's ungay mind because he had more pressing issues at that particular moment.

He licked Hwang Hyunjin's fingers. How could his brain not cooperate just even for a few seconds.

"Ummm," Hyunjin looked even more flustered than how Seungmin feels; his porcelain white cheeks turned a hue of red in just a few seconds and oh heavens above him, Seungmin had a passing thought of biting them. "Good thing my hand is clean?"

"Good thing Seungminnie here is not gay, huh?" Jisung snickered from the other side, Felix nudged Seungmin as if conveying a message like 'Not gay, right?'. Even with a single movement like that, he could feel the sarcasm coming off the aussie. Now was a good time to have a baseball bat.

Deliberately, Hyunjin took his hand away shyly - Seungmin considered all the possible answers as to why the guy was so red. Oh, right! Maybe because he just licked his fricking-crumble fingers! "Sorry." He mumbled lowly but still loud enough that it came across the other.

Hyunjin showed him a wan smile, and it made Seungmin's ears buzz like bees which they were clearly not. He ruminated if saying that Hyunjin's finger tasted kinda salty will come off as ribald; he shook the comment off his mind with a lot of elusive thoughts.

The group ate their food, Changbin sparking a conversation with Felix, who's confidence just a few seconds ago dissipated, and the couple acting like it's already their wedding day - feeding each other and doing all those lovey-dovey cringey couples do.

He could feel the occasional glance Hyunjin will shoot him, but he decided to ignore it and, instead, continued to feast on the meal in front of him. And holy mother of all chickens, nuggets plus sundae was a blessing Seungmin never knew was a blessing. Bless.

Maybe he felt a little flush, but it didn't mean that he was suddenly gay. It was just because he was surprised that he's like that.

"You know deep down, you are really gay." Seungmin was startled. It was Felix; he was whispering so low he almost had a passing thought of the beast in Beauty & the Beast. His goddamn stinky breath tickled him.

He rolled his eyes for the hundredth time. He would be able to pay his tuition if he gets a cent every time someone tells him that. "And you're straight as a fucking pole. Nice joke though." He snarked, angrily folding the napkin he used to wipe the side of his mouth.

"I would say that was a joke but that will be like saying that the Kardashians' never went under a knife." Felix huffed proudly as if this was the greatest comeback he ever spat out. The child. Seungmin quirked a brow, feigning disappointment with a small frown.

Why was everyone expecting him to be gay?


"That was ama-zing!" Jisung sung out while he patted his stomach with a satisfied glint in his eyes. His boyfriend rubbed his back comfortingly - too blindingly loving that Seungmin had to look another way.

They were outside the diner, just standing there, probably looking like a bunch of emo teenagers; that would be false except for one of them, of course.

It was nice going out with friends and new people. New people meant more possible paths and another endless of doors presented to him. The possibilities that could open right in front of him made him squeaky and nauseated, although he did not know the reasons why. He could end up getting close to Minho for all he know, or end up being besties with that wannabe-emo. Or get into a relationship with . . .

His lashes graze some skin around his eyes as they tried to catch for a certain someone.

Oh no.

Hell no.

He swatted the thought away with a bat in his head. No relationships. Nu-uh. Whether if he's gay or not, no relationships or anything.

"You look like you're having a mental debate." His heart skipped a beat. Seungmin thought he would die right there.

Clenching the material of his t-shirt, he turned his head around to be greeted with a smile that was similar to the crescent moon that was soon coming up to the sky as night creeped closer. It was Hyunjin. It was just Hyunjin.

Even if it was just Hyunjin, Seungmin's heart didn't want to stop pounding between his ribcages, acting like a spoiled child throwing a very dramatic tantrum. He pushed the feeling away and cooked up a smile, too. "Well, it's nice having debates. You should practice it sometimes, it might make your IQ higher."

The other faked a pained gasp, and his face contorted - very Hyunjin-ly. "Are you implying that I am a fool?"

A snort bubbled from Seungmin's throat as he faced the other way to hide his reddening face. "Exactly. You are smarter than I anticipated."

A calming quietness settled between them two. Seungmin could hear a few flaps of wandering birds and the small croaks of frogs and hum of insects that were loudening; he imagined as if they were having a ritual every night to explain why they were so noisy at night when he wanted to shoo away the boredom.

"Are they having a moment or?" A small voice whispered behind him, making him turn around. It was only then Seungmin remembered he was still with his other friends. He glared at Changbin, the one who spoke.

"We weren't-"

Minho cut Hyunjin off with a flick of his hand. "We'll be going to the nearby mall. Just follow."


"Bye-the-bye!" Felix shouted as the group fled like ducks being chased. Their boisterous laughter faded as they got farther and farther away, leaving him alone with Hyunjin.

He slowly faced Hyunjin, dreading that the other would be able to catch on to what their friends were trying to do, but if he had any clue, he did not show. Instead, his smile turned into a bright grin and his cheeks turned into blooming roses.

"Wanna walk around with me?"

A/n: so how's everyone holding up? sorry for not updating earlier, there's a lot happening right now i'm ekdkjfks but i felt guilty not updating so hERE YA GOOO

love and hugsss ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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