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Seungmin couldn't be more grateful when Hyunjin led him to a small stall where they will find, and he quotes, "the most awesome carbonara and cheesesticks ever!" since he was unbelievably famished. He doesn't even know why someone would sell fancy food like that but it wasn't his place to complain.

They found a bench near the stall and decided to eat there while Hyunjin ordered for the both of them, leaving Seungmin to sit alone under the dim light of a lamppost and the eerie sway of trees' shadows. His skin crawled for minutes as he waited for something to pop out of the bushes and attack him.

When Hyunjin came back, he was holding two plastic bags with their food. The red head almost sprang up to his feet and clutch the other. Almost.

Hyunjin thrusted one of the bags in Seungmin's face before sitting down next to him, the smell of food engulfing Seungmin's senses; he was having foodgasim and he was enjoying it.

In silence, the two ate, their loud slurps and munches filled the air around them.

Looking up, Seungmin noticed that the dark sky held so many twinkling stars. It reminded him back when he was still small, he and his parents would always take a stroll every Friday night to stargaze or play under the looming shine of the moon.

He missed his parents so much that the bitterness in his heart overflowed and threatened to spill out through his eyes, but he held them back. Why was he being so emotional?

"The stars look beautiful," Hyunjin said from beside him, his voice carried a somewhat airy tone as he gazed upwards.

"Yeah . . ." Another silence consumed them.

Feeling the deep moment to pass on, Seungmin finally decided to ask some questions. "Hey, why were you even near my uni? And how did you end up under a kidnapper's van?"

Hyunjin looked like a dog being scolded, his eyes big and his mouth hanging ajar. "Well," He started, his voice shaky making Seungmin more confused. "You see, I was . . . passing by! Yeah, passing by to go . . . somewhere but I saw those guys - they looked like thugs!"

Although he nodded, Seungmin couldn't say those kind of skinny boys who didn't even fought back as thugs. They looked like normal boys pestering around the neighborhood. And to be honest, he feels a twinge of guilt after beating them up.

"So I tried to get near them but I was afraid to get caught so I hid under the van! But, uhh, but then - ah! They brought out knives and started playing with them!" Hyunjin chuckled almost nervously as he sipped from his straw, gulping a huge amount of coke. "Thugs I tell you, thugs."

The way Hyunjin spoke didn't very sound convincing, it was as if he was building a story of his own as he go by but since Seungmin wasn't there to view the whole thing, he believed every word.

"That was extra from start to finish dude." Commented Seungmin, taking the last bite of his carbonara, swearing on every hello kitty utensil he have to come back there and eat at that kind of odd diner some time.

Hyunjin shrugged. "I'm extra from toe to bottom. Wait, that was wrong. I meant head to toe - god." Seungmin laughed at the other and choked when bits of cheesesticks was about to come out of his nose.

"I gotta go. I might be caught. The guards usually patrol around 4." He said, the two of them standing up. Weirdly, Seungmin didn't want to go. He had this feeling where your stomach would drop and your heart will turn into a heavy stone while he stared at Hyunjin and readied himself to say goodbye.

Strange things were happening to Seungmin but he wouldn't say he didn't like it.

Before going their separate ways, Hyunjin suddenly asked for a selfie. Seungmin arched a brow in question.

"Just for your contact pic, ya know. It's weird seeing an icon of a bug when I talk to you." Hyunjin reasoned.

Seungmin was baffled beyond imagination. "Wait. Are you saying you saved me as a bug?" The other visibly gulped and nodded weakly. "I'm so offended. You saved me as a bug while I went and go an extra mile, asking my friend to edit santa as a stripper. Wow, thanks. Gimme your phone."

Hyunjin's hand was trembling when he handed his phone over to Seungmin, it was shaking from holding his bursts of laugher as he mumbled, "Stripper Santa?"

Seungmin quickly snapped a selfie and threw back the phone to its owner. "Better put some special effects on that or I'll choke you with my hello kitty spoon, got it? I better get on my way, peasant."

With that said, Seungmin waddled away, his stomach filled with carbonara and cheesesticks while his mind was filled with ways on how to get back into the university without getting caught.

A/n: should i post the minsung i've been working on?

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