t h i r t e e n

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A puff of cloud formed under Seungmin's breath as he jumped down the high walls of his university knowing it was the part where only a few guards past by.

In his hand was his baseball bat he never thought he'll be needing after years of not touching it. Like an encouraging chant in his head, he recalled the kicks and punches he saw Felix did before; maybe it was a bad idea not waking up Felix after all.

In the cold wind of the early morning, he shivered involuntarily, wrapping his arms around his upper body, trying to consume his own warmth.

Why was Hyunjin even near his university? And how did he know it was his university? He couldn't find any answers for these questions, concentrating on the fact that Hyunjin was there, under a kidnapper's van probably pissing himself.

Seungmin's eyes wandered everywhere, wide with suspicion and fear. At last they landed on very suspicious boys hanging out on the hood of a white van that sported a couple of scratches and bumps here and there. He was very sure they were the culprits so with no hesitance, he brought up his bat and ran to where they are, summoning all the strength to his arm.

He let out his war shout, it was just a very high pitched scream, before he started bashing kidnappers.

In an instant, the boy he hit fell to the ground, groaning and moaning as he clutched his stomach where Seungmin hit him. Feeling that he has the upper hand, he turned to the other boy who only stood there, shocked.

"What?" Seungmin spat out as hard as he can, trying his best to threaten the remaining boy.

And then as if he just realized what happened to his friend, he ran away, almost stumbling several times. "The fuck?! You're fucking psycho!"

"Better run jerk! Don't bother coming back here!" Seungmin shouted after him, a smirk overcoming his previous frown before. It felt very good to hit bad people.

He then crouched down under the van to see another boy, Hyunjin most probably. He looked at Seungmin as if he didn't expect him to come there or even beat up the kidnappers and Seungmin took pride in that.

With the help of Seungmin, Hyunjin got out under the van.

"Hyunjin?" He called out, looking for at least a wound on the boy, worry swam in his brown eyes. "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you did they?"

Unlike Seungmin's vision of Hyunjin being a skinny trouble maker of some sort with not much handsomeness, the boy that stood in front of him was lean and tall, his hair ruffled and filled with dust and stone from the cement. He wore a nervous grin and his eyes held a light that Seungmin didn't understood.

"Yeah," His voice was sorta deep but not at the same level of Felix. Hyunjin's hand came up to his nape to scratch it. "I'm fine."

Relief poured down Seungmin, he wouldn't be able to gut it if someone was to be hurt. The crease in his forehead faded away as his lips curved into a smile.

"Well that was a nice way to meet you, huh?" He said, nudging Hyunjin at the side as he lead him to the nearest convenient store to buy some drinks or something.

Hyunjin responded with a chuckle and a nod of his head. "Very not cliche,"

There was a pause before Hyunjin broke it, smiling sheepishly, "So do you want some carbonara and cheese sticks?"

A/n: my sister is cooking dinner and i'm afraid she'll kill herself

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