Missing My Best Friend

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Alice POV 

It has been two centuries since we left Bella and I still miss her terribly. I would find myself staring at anything my eyes landed on at, and drifting out of conversations. I knew Jasper was worried about me and he always tried to make me feel better with his ability, but that didn't always work. We were once again living in Forks which made me even sadder than usual. Right now I was staring blankly at our T.V. not processingwhat I was watching. Tonight we were going to play baseball which Edward and I agreed to play hoping for a distraction. 

I went up to mine and Jasper's room grabbing my baseball cloths and putting them on. We then headed to the clearing and started the game. We played for exactly 58 minutes before heading back to the house where everyone went about doing there own things. I took out a book and tried to concentrate on it to no avail. After we left Bella I didn't see the need to be my usual annoying and cheerful self which scared Jasper to no end, I know Jasper sometimes blames Edward for my behavior because if we had never left I would have been happier. Even I resented Edward sometimes for making me leave the only person close to me outside of our world, but even I had to admit it was probably for the best. Nowadays I would always shop lots more than usual at the begining of the school year trying to block thoughts of Bella's birthday accident. Sometimes I would blame myself for having the party in the first, because if we did not have the party Bella would have never cut her finger and Jasper woulden't have lost control and so on, but I would realize it was bound to happened sooner or later. 

Everyone in the family seemed less happy after we left Bella, even Rosalie, because of everyone else. Giving up on trying to read I tried to look for Victoria's future to no avail. Nobody in the family understood how I couldn't see her and to tell the truth it scared me. Is she dead? Can she block me from seeing her?  

I once again gave up on Victoria's future and went up to mine and Jasper's room to cuddle with my husband. He instantly tried to make me feel better to no avail. I sat with Jasper all night not knowing the surprise soon to come.

Edward Leaves me and I Join the Hunters ( A Percy Jackson/Twilight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now