The Hunters and I Destroy Victoria

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The Hunters and I Destroy Victoria Note: This chapter is done being edited.

I have been with the hunters for exactly one month and I love it! Every morning I get up and hunt some wild animals for breakfast, I hunt as many as I can carry. Then I go back to camp and we all put our game in a pile, then roast it over our camp fire. After all the hunters (including lady Artemis) has eaten we pack up the leftovers for lunch, then we pack up all the tents and stuff and follow Lady Artemis to hunt down the monster/s. What else is awesome is that I am like the second in command which means I always sit next to lady Artemis during meals and walk by her during hunts, Thalia of course also is on the other side of Artemis since they are sisters.

Right now I was hunting, I spotted a deer and quietly hid behind some bushes while I tried to get a good aim. Finally the was still enough since it was chewing some grass, I got my aim and released the arrow. Bullseye. I manged to get the deer right through the eye, which means the meat is holess and the animal suffered no pain. After about a half an hour more of hunting I had all I could carry.

When I got back to the camp all of the hunters (who did the morning hunt) dumped their game in a pile like usual, while another started the fire. When the fire was started I took my seat on the ground next to Lady Artemis and everyone started to roast their breakfast. There was some deer, rabbit, and moose along with some gathered berries. Before everyone was done eating Lady Artemis turned to me and said.

"Bella I would like to talk to you, please come to my tent."

"Yes my lady," I replied.

When we got to the goddess tent I sat across from her on a cushion and waited.

"I understand there is a vampire out to kill you. Is that right?"

"Yes my lady," I answered.

"Then that is what we will be hunting," said Lady Artemis.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, and I have a plan. Since it is you this Victoria is after, you shall distract her while the rest of the hunters and I surround her. Hopefully we find her at a time when she is very thirsty so that all the blood around her will distract her long enough for us to destroy her, if not I'm sure you can think of something else for a distraction."

"Yes I can my lady."

"Good," she replied with a smile.

We walked out of the tent where the rest of the hunters were already packing up, I immediately went to help. When we were done packing Lady Artemis stood in front of us.

"Today we will be hunting a vampire," she said. The hunters started to whisper excitedly about this.

After Lady Artemis explained a little more about todays hunt she sat down and ate breakfast with the rest of us. After breakfast we began walking, sometimes I would walk a little behind Lady Artemis so I could talk with some of my friends.

"It's so cool we get to hunt a vampire today," one of my friends said.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"So is it the one that wants to kill you then?"

"Yes it is," I replied.

"Cool!" I had to smile at my friends excitement.

After a while Lady Artemis called me to her side.

"I can sense we will be there soon, so get ready."

"Yes my lady," I replied.

I hurried ahead of the needing to be the first one Victoria sees. Before long I stepped into a clearing where Vitoria was perched in a tree obviously waiting to trap me. She jumped gracefully from the tree and slowly advanced toward me probably wanting to savor the moment. Luckily her eyes where black with thirst. Victoria glanced around with a confused expression on her face showing me she could smell the hunters, I quickly grabbed my knife from my belt and cut my wrist where blood was sure to flow freely from. She now had her eyes fixed on my blood.

She was about to lung when the rest of the hunters stepped out of the trees their bows drawn. Victoria glanced at the hunters probably wondering if they were even worth her time. I took this chance to draw my bow and arrows and fire causing her cloths to set on fire. She shrieked and was in my face in a moment her cloths still burning. First she tried to put the fire out but the fire was spreading fast making the only possible way to put it out would be to roll on the ground, which she did not do. The other hunters kept firing, there was so many of us Victoria diden't know who to attack first since we were all firing at her.

It was now to late, Victoria was now completely engulfed in flames and all she could do was shriek. She began to crumple to the ground having lost a lot of limbs from the fire. The grass then began to catch on fire, all the hunters including me and lady Artemis began to shoot water bows at it to prevent a forest fire. By the time we were done putting out the fire burning on the grass Victoria was nothing but a pile of ashes. All the hunters began to cheer, and I was given a number of high fives and pats on the back for my good distraction.

Even though it wasen't that late we set up camp right in that clearing. (we built our fire right over top of Victoria's ashes) Lady Artemis healed my cut on my wrist before I went to hunt for supper. This supper was special to celebrate how well everyone did with some s'mores for desert. (Lady Artemis of course summoned the crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows)

After supper I fed some of the wolves and hawks that guarded our camp before going into my tent. Before I went to sleep I put some of my family pictures in my scrapbook.

A.N. Hey guys! Hope you are liking my story so far. Just to tell you guys the fire and water arrows may not actually exist in the Percy Jackson series. I guess I got those arrows from The Legend of Zelda video game. In case you are wondering what the water arrow does when it comes in contact with an object here's how it goes: When the arrow hits an object it will burst into water and the arrow will disappear. Anyways that's it for now.

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