I play capture the flag

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A.N. OK readers so just so there's no confusion, Bella has been a hunter for one century (100 years) now. And the Cullen's will be in the story real soon. Hope you enjoy this chapter. THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN EDIDTED.

I play capture the flag

Spring was here once again, and I had to admit, spring is a good time of year since the animals start to come out making it easier to hunt.

When everyone has eaten their breakfast Artemis stood up and said "There is a dangerous monster on the loose that I must hunt alone, and I will be sending you to Camp Half Blood. Bella will be in charge while I am gone."

The hunters started to mutter in disappointed tones. They diden't think I was a bad leader, actually they thought I was a really good one, but going to Camp Half Blood meant being around boys which none of them liked, I personally diden't have as big of a problem with it though. After we packed up Artemis called her brother and we had to wait a full 10 minutes before he decided to come. We all had to cover our eyes till the brightness faded away and a cool looking red car appeared which Apollo stepped out of.

"Hey little sis! Long time no see I was getting worried," he said which made me slap my forehead.

Every time Apollo and Artemis met up he would greet her with something like that, and then Artemis had to remind him AGAIN that she was the older one, she also had to remind him not to offer to carry our bags or flirt with us. So as they had there argument I tuned out, and thought how excited I was to go to Camp Half Blood for the first time.

Now you may wonder how I have met Apollo if this is the first time to go to the camp, well sometimes he would just come visit us whether we like it or not and I also went to some of the gods meetings with my lady before.

"Alright girls hop in," Apollo said.

"Um excuse me, but how are all of us supposed to fit in there?" I asked him.

Apollo turned to his car realising the situation, then got out a pair of car keys pressed a button and the car got bright again for all of ten seconds before some sort of tourist bus appeared in its place. We all got in and tried to sit as far from him as possible.

"Now who wants to drive?" asked Apollo facing us.We all stayed silent.

"Hm I guess I will have to pick myself then. Hey aren't you Bella?"

"Um....... yeah," I replied nervously.

"Well you definitely has got to have a drivers license, you're perfect. Come on up."


"No buts come on up," he said with a smirk.

I sighed but walked to the front and sat at the drivers seat knowing it was useless fighting with a god.

"Go on start driving I'll direct you."

I pulled on the steering wheel and we immediately took off from the ground.

"Right!" I turned right.

"Pull up some more or we will start a fire," I obeyed.

This went on and on. He would tell me to up, down, right, and left. Man it's a good thing I got my drivers license before I joined the hunters or we would all either be dead or really injured now. See I haven't driven for 100 years and driving the sun is way harder than any normal vehicle.

"OK when I say "now" we are going into a landing. Wait for it..... wait for it..... NOW!"

I pushed down on the steering wheel and the bus/sun landed right in the ocean of Camp Half Blood.

"Whoo! That was fun!" said Apollo.

One glance at the hunters told me it was not fun for them. We quickly got out of the bus before all heading our different directions. I headed to The Big House to let Chiron know we would be staying here. When I walked in I saw Chiron and the wine god playing cards. At my entrance they looked up.

"Are the Hunters staying here then?" asked Chiron.

"Yes. Lady Artemis is hunting a monster on her own so we shall be here for a while."

"Very well then. And you are?"

"Bella," I replied

"Nice to meet you Bella, you are welcome to do anything you want while at camp."

"Thank you, I will be going now."

With that I left The Big House and headed for the archery area. After a century of being a hunter I have learned how to use the bow and arrow better. Also I am no longer clumsy, I could be considered more graceful. After a while it was time to eat so I went to the Mess Hall and filled my plate. When it was my turn to scrape some food in the fire I stepped up scraped a quarter of my food in. I wish Lady Artemis the best of luck on her solo hunt. I thought.

After that I sat at the head of our table and took up a conversation with Thalia. We laughed and joked and just enjoyed ourselves. After eating I ordered all the hunters to bed which they listened to without question. When I crawled into my bed I felt weird, I have not slept on something so comfortable since I joined the hunters. We just slept in sleeping bags with a pillow, we got extremely warm sleeping bags in the winter. After a while I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up as soon as the sunlight entered our cabin. After getting dressed I once again headed to the archery section where I decided to practice some knife throwing. Every time I threw the knife hit the bullseye. After that I attempted to try a sword which I must admit I was terrible at.

After about two hours it was breakfast time and I once again wished Lady Artemis luck on her hunt. At breakfast Chiron (in his centaur form) announced that capture the flag would be played today to welcome us hunters. After Thalia explained what capture the flag was I could not wait to play. We did a lot of discussing and made sure to pick our strongest hunters me included.

Finally it was time to play capture the flag, I got my battle armor on and went to stand with the rest of the playing hunters.

"The first team to get the other teams flag wins. Ready...set....GO!" said Chiron.

Immediately me and the rest of my team were off to take up our jobs. My job was to try to keep as many campers as I could from getting pass me and to the direction of our flag.

I fought with my knife against swords and spears disarming anyone who fought me. After a while I realized wasen't enough so I took my bow and an arrow and shot the arrow at the ground instantly a disgusting smell erupted in the air around me and my opponents. All my opponents gagged but I did not. The fart arrow was used so much by the hunters that I has gotten used to it.

"Not fair!" one of the campers yelled.

I just smirked at them. Seeing that they were distracted for now I took off at a run toward the blue flag when I got there I saw that we has already won. I cheered along with the rest of the hunters while the campers just groaned.

That night all the hunters enjoyed themselves at supper.

A.N. OK guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Just so you know the next chapter will probably be about the Cullens. And it will have been 200 years since they have left Bella. They will also probably meet with the hunters and Bella next chapter. One last thing, I will try to add more action to this story. Anyways until next time.

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