College Life (Edited)

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Imogen POV

I woke up late as hell but made it to class on time. I don't give a fuck what August said ... I can't flunk out of college. This my last year so it's important.! I went to my only two classes and took my long ass test then rushed right over to Aug's house .

I walk about 15 minutes from the bus stop to his house, he told me he could pick me up but he never does so I be late and I be hot or cold due to the weather.

When I got there I saw expensive ass cars in the drive way. I went to the side door and went in straight to the kitchen and put on my apron like thing and then august came in the kitchen looking salty af.

"What the fuck did I tell you.?"

"I had a test to do so I had to come late!"

"We'll since you wanna be late and shit... We ordered pizza so put this on and get up dea." I was confused by the statement then he threw a piece of cloth at me. I held it out to see some maid looking outfit it was looking really small.

"This not gone cover my ass imma need you to find some else" I said tossing it back.

He threw two More pieces and the same thing back at me and pushed me in the bathroom.

"You betta put that shit on and come to the man cave you already know what ta do." he said walking away.

I sighed and showered lotioning up putting on the small ass dress and the thong. I didn't think he'd make me do this tonight.

I didn't telling you guys this but I also dance for him and his friends on occasions so this isn't new.

The shit they do to me behind closed doors is so bad🙄 you don't even wanna know .

I tried to pull the dress down as much as I could walking into the room with the pole . August, Tyga, Chris, and Trey all sat on the different couches watching me.

I was a dancer in high school I needed the money bad. That's how I ran into August. I had to get food for me and my big brother . We both are in the same college on scholarships he's on a football scholarship and still hasn't been drafted so I'm working on the money for a house or apartment for us that's why Im still doing this and putting up with his shit. My brother does not know that I dance for August he just thinks that I clean. He was so angry when he found out I did it in high school he made me quit .

I heard the music and began dancing for them .

"Damn I'm Tryna fuck she gone let me?" I heard Chris say .

"Man I'm not, shawty too small and too innocent to fuck with trigga, imma head out" Trey said dapping them up then leaving .

"Kylie gone kill me if she knew bout this " Ty said doing the same thing, leaving while shaking his head.

Thank god.

"Shid I'm down ." as always it was Chris and August left saying they was bout to fuck but luckily never did. that's not part of my job.

They drunk a little bit more and my alarm went off so I got down from just walking around the pole and tried to leave the room.

"Uh not this time ." Chris said holding me against the wall.

"August tell him to stop I have to go now ." I said trying to get away from him.

"Naw ma I guess he fr this time." August said walking out sipping something.

"Hell yea " Chris threw me on the floor and I hit my head.

I held my head and I was dizzy and it became two of him on top of me. I barely felt the breeze of my dress being hiked up and the thong being ripped off.

I felt something large penetrate my lower area. The pain was so unbearable I began to cry but it seemed like no one heard me. "Stop please !" I begged him to stop. I tried to fight him off but it only made it hurt worse. I felt a warm liquid drizzle down my leg. I soon felt light headed, like I should go to sleep.

Few Hours Later

When I woke up I looked around and sat up and I looked down at my self seeing that I was in a puddle of blood . I felt a sharp pain in my lower area . I couldn't help but to start crying . I crawled out the room to the bathroom . I slowly took the dress off and put on my pants and my shirt. It hurts so bad, I don't know what to do . I stayed there and cried silently. I felt for my phone and I seen I had plenty of missed calls from my brother Michael.
I also had tons of text.

BooBear: Dammit Imogen why you not picking up?

BooBear: where Tf you at girl? Yo boss said you left on time and you should be home but you not!

BooBear: I'm bout to put out an Amber Alert .....

I texted back quickly.

I'm fine I had some business to take care of. I'll see you tomorrow okay ?😘

I got up and limp jumped walked to the room 😭. I went in the room with the mop and mop bucket and cleaned up the blood I was sitting in. After I finished I saw August and he stared at me and started coming at me . I turned around and tried going to the door. I got to the door and unlocked it but I wasn't fast enough, August ran after me and grabbed my shoulder and pushed me to the ground.

"What ! what the fuck do you want I just want to go home ok?" I was about to cry again because my body was killing me and my vagina was hurting like hell.

"Are you coming back to work?" I gave him the dirtiest face ever.

"No. I fucking quit I hate you and Chris! . I hope y'all die." I yelled grabbing my shit going out the door . I'll get a job on campus or something.


I edited this too! It's different now . !

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