Part 4: Eating Meat Pie

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Both MoK had to work overtime tonight, so it's already after 8pm when they got home. They pass by a stuffed meat pie stall on their way, and MoZhaTa's eyes sparkle, "KO, let's buy two meat pies for a late night snack. The meat pies here are delicious. There are usually over twenty people lining up, but there aren't as many today."

KO doesn't have any opinion.

Although there aren't many people, there are still over ten of them in line. It's finally their turn after waiting ten minutes, but there's only one meat pie left. The stall owner lady says apologetically, "Sorry gentlemen, there is only one left, and I don't have any more ingredients to make another one."

"It's okay, it's okay." Although feeling a little upset, there's nothing that they can do. MoZhaTa takes out his wallet and pays, and takes the paper bag. Just as he is about to tell KO to eat it, KO has already grabbed the paper bag from him. He holds the pie, takes a bite, carefully chews on it, and then takes another bite, and another, until he finishes the whole thing. He doesn't save a single bite for MoZhaTa.

MoZhaTa is dumbstruck. He was planning to give it to KO to eat it anyway since he has tasted it before, but giving it to KO willingly versus KO grabbing it from him is a big difference.

Since MoZhaTa can't show off his kindness as a gentleman, he can only show his fury as a man. When KO comes to him for his romantic desire, MoZhaTa kicks him out and says, "Go sleep in your own bed."

KO stares at him in silence for a moment and then leaves to go back to his room. But he seems to have gone to the kitchen as MoZhaTa hears a bunch of clinks and clanks, not knowing what he is doing. Nonetheless, MoZhaTa falls asleep in the rhythmic noise.

He wakes up under the feeling of being pressed down. Still in a haze, he feels something hard against his thigh while someone is kissing his neck. MoZhaTa can't help but become aroused by the damp feeling. Just when he is getting worked up and wants to give in to him, his stomach suddenly growls.

MoZhaTa's feelings come to a halt from being startled. He recalls what happened yesterday and is full of anger. Son of a gun, if it weren't because he didn't eat last night, he wouldn't be out of energy now!

Therefore, he gives a hard kick to KO, "Get lost. I'm hungry. Go make breakfast."

KO doesn't move; he breathes while he is still on top him. After a while, MoZhaTa can feel that a certain something against his thigh has calm down. KO then flips over to get off the bed. He puts on a pair of jeans to cover his naked body and goes to the kitchen without a word.

MoZhaTa watches his bare back, his buttocks wrapped tightly by the pair of jeans, and he swallows, feeling a bit of regret. Seriously, he really has no perseverance; if he stayed on top for a bit longer, I would have given in.

Psh! He turns to his side to catch up on his sleep again. But he can't seem to fall asleep; he can still feel the burning sensation of something against his thigh; his mind is filled with the image of KO's well-built back. He tosses and turns for half an hour, but it only makes him even more restless. MoZhaTa sits up feeling annoyed. He puts on his clothes and leaves the room.

The kitchen is the open-concept kind, so the moment he comes out of the room, everything that is going on is in full view.

In the slightly steamy kitchen, KO is still shirtless. His compact muscles seem to be full of strength; cooking must be another way of training. KO's body is in way better shape than an IT guy like him.

Damn it! MoZhaTa curses to himself.

He's even sexier holding a spatula than being in bed. He's even wearing a pair of low-waist denim. It's too flirtatious!

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