ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ || ᴡᴀᴠᴇs ᴏғ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ

64 6 8


It's strange to think about.

Just a couple weeks ago, I would've been terrified at the thought of hiking through a Euran forest with a bunch of strangers. But not anymore.

Well, I'm still plenty scared of the forest. There could be rats, or flesh-eating birds, or— Tellun forbid— venomous spiders.

Okay, maybe I'm overreacting about the spiders.

Lizzie bumped my shoulder. "Whatcha thinking about?"

I felt my face flush. Yeah, there's a reason I'm trying not to be so scared of spiders. So what? She's cute. "Uh, nothing."

"That's a whole lotta nothing." Lizzie knocked lightly on my head and leaned closer. "Hmm, doesn't sound hollow to me."

I laughed despite myself. Lizzie always made me laugh.

"Okay, okay, for real though." Lizzie cocked her head to one side. "Spill."

"Uh..." I glanced around. "I was thinking about that." I said, pointing quickly toward Navia and Sabien.

"Ooh!" Lizzie squealed.

I shushed her, flushing when Niko shot me a curious look.

"I am obsessed with them!" Lizzie said, looking far too excited.

I hadn't been thinking about it at all, to be honest. But I indulged her with a nod.

"They're just so cute." Lizzie babbled, "look, they're not holding hands? Wrong! They're hold pinkies! Aw, I just love it." She clasped her hands to her chest.

I took a closer look. "Huh. That is cute." I admitted. "Seems kind of odd, though, don't you think? We've barely known each other a month..."

"Trauma can bring people very close together." Lizzie said seriously. "I mean, look at me! I trusted you lot with my life before I even met you."

"I suppose that's fair." I conceded. "But we're Greencloaks, we wouldn't hurt you. We're the good guys."

Lizzie seemed to hesitate, chewing her lip. "Not all Greencloaks are good." She pointed out sombrely.

I opened my mouth to protest, then broke it off. I had grown up with Greencloaks. Not all of them were always kind. "I guess you're right." I sighed. "But the Conquerors are definitely the bad guys."

A shadow crossed her face, too quick to decipher. "Yeah." She smiled. "Yeah. We might not be the good guys, but they're definitely the bad guys."

We? I thought, puzzled.

Before I could ask about it, however, Sasha's voice cut through and caught our attention.

"You're being serious." The jaguar summoner said, incredulous and loud. "You want us to swim back? You've got to be kidding me!"

"It's only a little ways." Ryan attempted to placate him, but he waved her away.

"I don't care! I'm not going!"

"Sasha." Tyler snapped. "You're acting like a child."

He is a child. The thought sprang up unbidden, but I didn't have the chance to analyze it before someone else spoke.

"No, he's acting like a cat." Zay broke in, wearing a smug expression.

"Am not!" Sasha protested. "But I'm not getting in that water."

"Fine, then you can stay here and get captured by Conquerors." Tyler snapped, his patience clearly wearing thin.

Sasha clenched his jaw, but made no further complaints.

"Anyone else have a comment?" Tyler's eyes roved the group, challenging.

We all shook our heads.

"Good." He grumbled, turning on his heel and stalking into the brush.

Ryan waved us along with an apologetic smile. "He's just tired." She assured.

"I'm tired too." Sasha muttered crankily.

Someone sent him a glare that shut him up, and we continued along in Tyler's wake.

The brush ended a few paces later, giving way to a familiar rocky beach. An even more familiar ship floated in the distance.

"Thank Tellun." Lizzie sighed from beside me.

Everyone waded into the water without complaint, or, in Sasha's case, muttered complaint. The cool ocean calmed me, and on a whim I released Ian. He floated beside my left hand, which I placed on his smooth back. A shudder of excitement ran down my spine and I grinned.

Lucia's and Zay's animals vanished into passive.

"Let's go, gang." Tyler said and pushed forward, the dark cloud over his expression lightening as he swam.

I dove downward, the pleasant silence filling my ears as the water surrounded me. Kicking my legs, I glided forward. After a moment, I became aware of Ian rippling along beside me. We swam side by side for a while, then a hand on my collar jerked me up.

"Hey!" I yelped, blinking in surprise.

Tyler dropped my shirt, "sorry. Wanted to make sure you were still alive." He didn't look annoyed, though, more curious. "Have you been practicing?"

I flushed with pride. "Uh, yeah. I can stay under for almost twenty minutes."

"Impressive." Tyler patted my back. "Please don't, though. I don't need a heart attack right now."

"You already have eight." I joked.

Tyler let out a surprised chuckle. "Yeah, actually." He gestured to the ship. "Shall we?"

It loomed up right in front of us.

I hadn't realized how far I'd swam. I glanced back, the rocks on the beach mere specks in the distance.

"Hurry up, slowpokes!" Someone yelled from the boat. Niko was peering over the railing, grinning.

"Best not keep them waiting." Tyler gestured for me to go first.

I climbed up, letting Niko and Ryan help haul me over the railing. Tyler and I were the last ones up.

Sasha was laying on the deck.

Zay poked him with the toe of her boot. "You're like a wet slug." She teased.

"Shh." Sasha batted weakly at her foot. "I'm savouring the solid ground."

I looked around, chuckling to myself at his antics. Ryan and Tyler were heading down into the girl, presumably to change into dry clothes. Most of the others were nowhere to be seen, likely also below.

I leaned over the railing and waved at Ian, who rippled alongside the ship as it started moving. Heading back home.


Someone draped a towel over my shoulders. I looked over. It was Lizzie. "Thanks." I smiled.

"You should change, before you catch a cold." She pointed out.

"One, that's an old wives' tale." I said, "two, it's not even cold." It wasn't. The sun had warmed the ship's wood beneath my hands.

"Okay, be that way." Lizzie said, but the twinkle in her eyes betrayed her as joking.

I laughed. "Thank you anyway, though."

Behind us, Sasha groaned loudly as the others succeeded in dragging him down into the hold.

I smiled and closed my eyes as the sails caught the breeze and the ship gained speed. Wind whipped my hair dry in a moment. Lizzie leaned closer. This was good.

Oh my! Is it? It can't be! It is me! With an update! Whoaaaaaaaaa! Did y'all like it? Hope you did! Sorry for the long wait guys, I was busy... but the next chapter will be here soon! That's a promise. ;)

edit: 16/09/23
yet again split this chapter up bcs I'm so silly
happy birthday to Lucia :)
enjoy!! xx

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