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"You idiot! Hurry up, he's waiting!"

Voices pulled me from my thoughts. They echoed down the tunnel, loud and obnoxious. My eye twitched with irritation at their carelessness and I allowed my face to morph into a scowl.

Be nice, she rumbled from the depths of my mind. We need them.

"As sacrificial lambs, perhaps." I muttered under my breath.

The sound of the voices grew closer, footsteps distinguishable just below the words I didn't care to understand.

I tapped my foot, impatience growling in the back of my throat. The notion reminded me of the jackal in passive and I pushed away the thought, frowning.

Eight boys burst into the tunnel, arguing and panting.

"You're late." I drawled lazily, reaching up to lift the hood from my head.

They all froze upon seeing me emerge from the shadows.

I sighed dismissively. "Ah well, at least you're here." Venom laced the words. I made certain they were aware of my displeasure.

The largest of the boys nodded. "I'm sorry, Zerif, bur our mother was stricter than usual."

I bit back a scoff at his excuse and waved away his apology. "No matter. You're here now, and have decided on an animal?" I let my gaze sweep over the group, my tone a deadpan of disinterest.

All eight nodded, their earlier apprehension now replaced with excitement.

I almost laughed derisively at how hopeful they looked. "Very well. We shall start with Chris." I said, businesslike, instead. I beckoned the eldest boy forward, at the same time reaching under my cloak for a flask.

Chris took the flask, taking a quick sip. He almost gagged on the liquid, before swallowing forcefully.

That, I allowed myself a small smirk. The Bile did its job, but it tasted fouler than the tar pits in Amaya.

There was a flash, then before him stood a dingo, a small dog-like creature.

"Hmm. A dingo, smart choice." I nodded, appreciatively.

"It's a she." Chris corrected, "with the name of Opal."

I nodded, although the boy's name, and his animal's, meant absolutely nothing to me. I'd forget them. Everyone would. The thought brought a twisted smile to my lips.

The next boy, Johnny, took the flask. He, too, drank the liquid and summoned an animal, this time a shark, which splashed into the pool at their feet.

Next was Timothy, who had chosen a howler monkey.

Then Riley, with a macaw.

Leo, a puffer fish.

Arthur, a cougar.

Eric, with a ferret.

Jacob, a skunk.

"Wonderful." I took back the now-empty flask from Jacob. "Now call them into passive state." The request seemed absurd, but I crossed my arms knowing they would have no choice but to obey. For I had just given them the greatest gift in all of Erdas and something told me they'd do anything I said if it meant they got to keep it.

Eric opened his mouth, confused. But a single glare from Chris silenced him. They stuck out their arms, and with a flash, eight tattoos appeared on their arms.

"Now," I laughed— or perhaps cackled was a better way to say it— because there was no way they could say no. Not after all I'd just given them. "Join me."

They looked at each other. The boys started whispering, arguing softly.

I crossed my arms, tapped my foot. "It shouldn't be that hard of a decision." I bit out before I could regain my cool. It had been a trying day, and these children were making my already thin patience come close to snapping.

The younger boys flinched at the sharpness of my tone, but I had no empathy toward them to warm my heart.

"Yes, sir, we'll join you, of course." Chris hurried to agree, saluting clumsily.

"Good." I tucked my cloak tighter around my shoulders. "Someone will come to collect you tomorrow morning. Do not be late." I cut a glare at all of them, satisfaction stirring in my chest as they shrunk from my harsh gaze. I spun on my heel and strode away, darkness swallowing the boys' whispers in my wake.

New soldiers, just as you requested, I thought, bitter at the way the task had been forced upon me. I wasn't a recruiter, but it seemed to be all I was doing these days.

Watch your tone, Zerif. The coiling presence in my mind berated sternly, but she sounded faintly amused and pleased. Your charm is simply... irresistible. Her tone was silky smooth, and I could feel the anger slipping away even as she spoke.

Yes, I suppose you're right. I answered, attempting for nonchalance, but unable to keep the note of pride from the thought. I itched at my jackal tattoo, momentarily abandoning my annoyance. This marvellous plan of ours, Gerathon, is coming along quite well. I thought, wickedly excited. Wouldn't you agree?

Hmm. Don't get cocky now, she said, but I could feel her preening, almost anticipating the success. Victory was imminent, but neither of us dared celebrate just yet.

Still, I let the grin play over my face as I drew the hood back over my head and emerged from the tunnel into the dim moonlight.

A boat waited for me on the shore, a single person on board. She wore a cloak just like mine, and held an oar in one hand. Waves lapped against my ankles as I walked to it.

"Is it done?" Her teeth glinted silver as she spoke.

"Yes." I didn't glance back as she pushed off the shore, paddling away from the island.

Those poor Greencloaks. They had no idea what was coming for them. If I had a shred of sympathy, I would pity them. But I didn't.

Besides, all is fair in love and war.

Tada! That's the prologue! Hope you all liked it, and I'm still gonna be doing pov requests. Till next chapter! Meep!

edit 23/10/21
we're back y'all!!
get frickin ready
i am probably going to disappear after i post this ajsjdjhe i'm sorry.
but please enjoy!
stay safe xx

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