Chapter 8

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" w-what h-happen t-t-o w-world " i asked unsure if i should ask the apes that saved my life. I didn't know his name yet or he even had a name, as i thought i bit my lip gently. He was filling the fireplace and light, it before turning it me, " humans....made ...drug ...apes smarter ....humans .....don't like.... apes ...some humans" he said, he was hiding something, but i didn't care or i didn't wanted to know. I thought as i watch the fire dance inside of the safety of the red brick fireplace. As i did i spoke, "w-when y-you f-found m-m-me, w-her-re y-you g-going t-t-o ?" i stutter out. " find...apes ...humans ...come...with" i was surpised he wanted me to come back, with them to their home. He spoke " cesar ....yours ?" "c-cam-melia-a " i said shakely, than i heard loud footsteps. There was that red hair apes, he had a thick fur winter coat than he started to sign. Or something, i gently took it as cesar spoke " he ...says...winter...coat...winter...comeing ...cold soon" than cesar started to teach me the sign for cold. The coat felt soft and warm as i touch, cesar got up and started to do something with another apes. That scare looking ape still put fear in my heart, i look away i saw that red hair ape. He took my hand he was showing me how to sign, different letters we started out with a's. Work from there to the next letter i was enjoying it

Cesar pov
Me and rocket was cooking up the rabbit that rocket caught for our dinner, we had tonight for secounds. I look i saw maurice teaching her the letters of signing, she was getting the hang of it. Which she was smiling, she doesn't smiled really but i don't blame her specially all the pain she must have been through. I turn back to rocket, he was finished up the cooking, the rabbit after it was finished. Rocket sign why human to do this to their own kind ? he asked i didn't know what to answer him. I really don't why, what the humans do or why ?  i told him . as we plated the rabbit, i gave camelia biggest Part of all them, she needed it. I went out gave camelia her dinner before giving my friend maurice his, rocket came out handed my plate. I saw that camelia started to eat she was hungry, she was so thin still i worried for her i thought as join them eating our dinner.

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