Chapter 6

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Camellia pov

I woke with a painful headache, i was in the room still but my chains were off i guess what happen. Was real but it felt like  a dream, though as the headache started to get less painful. I heard footsteps, there was the ape, that free me from my chains he had a plate with some kind of meat on it. It smell good, he slowly walked over to me, he handed me it, "" he said i nodded yes, i used the fork eat the meat. It tasted good, like chicken he watched which made me nerously, after i was done. He spoke " trust ?" he had his hand out i think he asking me if i trust me. I gently bit my lip and i thought about it, he free me and fed me, found better clothes for me . i slowly put my hand in his hand, "t-trus-t" i sutter out he nodded, " ...morning" than i nodded my head. As he was about to leave, " c-can y-you s-stay u-until i-i s-sleep" i nerously asked, him i didn't want to be alone, he nodded yes. I lay down on the thin mattress, i close my eyes try to sleep i felt safter now. Someone was watching over me as i fell a sleep, i felt me as the darkness took over.

Cesar pov

It was a while since she fell a sleep, i went upstairs there was my memebers of my concil. Maurice sign how is she ? he asked than i sign she scared but she trust me i belive, we be leaveing first thing in the morning.  Almost everyone agreens expect koba, what's wrong ? i asked koba but i knew his answer to my question. She's human , humans are dangerouse .....we leave her  than i started to sign back  i know about your pain koba...she isn't like them...she is victum just like apes...she needs us that's it i am leader we takeing her with us .  i sign angrily at koba he got pissed off beouse i had the last said in the matter. Than he walk off somewhere, rocket had the map on the table me and rocket went over it,  we go to the farer one first than we go take a shortcut to this one , than go back to the village  rocket agreen with my travels plans. I sign in morning rocket nodded, as he did i heard maurice add firewood to the fireplace. All i could think was in the morning we will be leave

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