seventy three

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at six was when john told sherlock to start getting ready for their date. they've never really been on a date except for prom which wasn't really an actual date. they've always had a long distance relationship and thinking about it john realized that they've never been on an actual date.

it only took a few minutes for john to get ready and he sat in the living room, waiting for sherlock. he had called sean and asked if it was alright if he could use the credit card they gave him to take sherlock out and sean said it was perfectly fine as long as he didn't go over the budget. then they got on the topic of how they were back together and while john was explaining everything he could hear marie in the background whispering to sean about what to ask next.

when sherlock came out of the bedroom he was dressed in a pair of black dress pants and his dark purple button down. "i hope it's not too much." sherlock said as he looked down at his outfit. "no, no. it is too much. i have to change." he said and ran back to the bedroom.

john stood up from the chair and stuffed his hands into his front pockets, rolling back onto his heels as he waited for sherlock.

after a good ten minutes, sherlock came out with skinny jeans on, a black button up long sleeve and his ratted white high tops. "this is okay." he said and looked at his outfit once more. he gave a small shrug. "i mean, i want to change. i really want to." he said and turned around, but john grabbed his wrist before he could go anywhere.

john turned the boy to face him and held his hand as he grabbed his coat off the rack. "you look bloody amazing and we are going to go because frankly you look really good in those skinny jeans and we're going to miss our reservations." he said as he handed sherlock his coat.

sherlock took his coat from john and put it on. "maybe i could just change my shirt?"

"no!" john exclaimed and opened the door. "we are leaving. now get you and your amazing ass out this door."

sherlock's ears got red as he smiled softly, walking out the door with john following him down the steps.

when they got out to the street, john said that they were walking, so they walked. john kept sherlock close, slipping his hand into the back pocket of his jeans as they walked.

"so," sherlock started as they walked, "what's the plan for tonight?"

"i'm afraid i cant tell you that information. it's a surprise, you see." john said as he looked around the city.

sherlock scoffed. "i live here if you've forgotten. i know we're headed to angelo's."

john glanced at sherlock. "but you don't know what i have planned after."

"you're right, i don't." sherlock said as he took the next left. "this way is a short cut." he told john, feeling his hand slip of of his back pocket. "and i won't spoil any more of the night." sherlock said as he held john's hand.

"you better not. if you do i'm sure you'll recognize the way back to your flat." john said, causing sherlock to laugh softly.

after their dinner, john made a makeshift blindfold out of the cloth napkins he took from the restaurant. he blinded sherlock the got him safely into the cab. the entire cab ride, sherlock complained about the blindfold and told john how he could've made it better.

once the cab stopped, sherlock instantly took the blind fold off. he watched john get out first, giving sherlock his hand. sherlock took his hand and got out, looking at where they were. "skating arena?" sherlock asked john. "why're we here?" he asked again, turning to john.

john finished paying the cabbie before taking sherlock's hand and walking into the arena. "ice skating." he said with a small smile.

"yes, but why?" sherlock asked as he waited for john to open the door.

"because you've never been." john said as opened the door for sherlock, going in after him. "and you've always said you wanted to go, so we're here now."

sherlock laughed softly and looked at john. "you're a dork." he said and nudged john with his shoulder.

john laughed and pulled sherlock over to the opening booth, paying for an hour and a half on the ice and two pairs of skates. after they got their tickets, john pulled sherlock over to the skate rentals and they both got a pair of skates, then headed to the ice.

"john!" sherlock squeaked, grabbing onto his boyfriend's shoulders as he tried to keep balance.

john chuckled and started to skate backwards, holding onto sherlock as he did. "pull your legs in and straighten out some." he instructed, watching sherlock do as he said. "now just hold on to me. i've got you."

sherlock's grip tightened on john's shoulders as he looked down at their feet. his knees were touching as john's were spread because he was the one doing all the skating.

it took a while, but sherlock got the hang of it and was able to skate on his own. john would skate around him, distracting him from his focus and catching him before he fell.

when their time was up, they both were wore out and their feet hurt. when they got into the cab, sherlock leaned against john, nuzzling his neck.

"thank you for tonight." he said softly.

john wrapped his arm around sherlock, kissing the head of curls. "you're welcome."

sherlock lifted his head up, resting his chin on john's shoulder. "i love you." he whispered.

"i love you, too." john whispered back, giving the boy a kiss.

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