Mission Complete!

379 19 14

Light. My eyes slowly edged open to reveal a blinding white light, glaring down at me from the ceiling. I squinted, eyes darting about the room.

Nothing but a single white layer.

Then darkness.

Then pain.

Throb. Throb. Throb. That's all I could feel; a dull throbbing in my temples, slowly spreading through my forehead. My vision was obscured; fuzzy shapes darted about in the haze. Shadows clung to my thoughts like leeches, draining all the life out of them. I couldn't feel anything but the pounding. I couldn't see anything but darkness. I couldn't hear anything, except a droning buzz and the thudding of my head. I wasn't even sure I was breathing.

Then a distant humming sounded. A hum that grew into a voice, muttering inaudible sounds, which eventually turned into words.


The words hauled me back to reality; feeling returned to my limbs, the shroud obscuring my vision dissipated, sound embraced my ears, and memories swirled in my mind.

The room slowly began to form around me; familiar leather armchairs, the steady drone from a monitor, a figure by the side of my bed.

A crease appeared between my brows as I squinted hardly, trying to discern the appearance of the figure. Yet it was still an addled blur.

But then I caught sight of those fierce blue eyes and grasped who it was.


Despite the pain and disorientation, a grin spread across my face like a wildfire, rippling happiness through my body.

His features became more defined and I took a moment to study each one in a fleeting glance.

Had I ever mentioned how cute he was!?

"Hey there, SOLDIER!"

"Hey Zack!" I responded in a weak whisper.

"How're you feeling?"

I nodded, my hand clutching my temples. "Headache."

Concern flashed through his face.

"It's okay though," I added hastily, hiding my slight blush behind layers of knotty hair. He nodded and stared at me awkwardly.

"How long have I been out?"

"Uhh..." Zack raised his eyes to the ceiling as he delved into thought and counted the past few days. "Six days; long time. I thought you were going to die or something."

I raised an eyebrow and glared at him. He held his hands up in defence.

"I'm glad you didn't!" He exclaimed, his tone serious. I nodded approvingly and let my head sink back down into the pillow.

"Was the mission a success?"

Zack nodded vigorously, his hair bouncing wildly. "Oh, yeah! We beat those Wutai troop down to the ground!"

I glanced at him in amusement; what kind of phrase was that? But still, thank the lord! At least all of that hadn't been for nothing. It was my first ever important assignment as a 2nd Class SOLDIER; Ifrit knows what it's like to be a First. I'm going to have to do a hell of a lot more training if I'm to match the skill of someone like Angeal.

"Hey, help me up would you?" I said, struggling to support myself on my elbows. Zack glanced behind him, uncertainly. "Yes, I mean you! Idiot," I muttered the last part under my breath as he bounded forward, beaming as though he'd been awarded with a brand new materia.

He took my arm in a gentle grip and helped me slip off the edge of the bed, my bare feet coming to rest on the cold marble tiles. I clutched onto one of the banisters as a wave of dizziness rippled through me and I almost stumbled into Zack, but he steadied me.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded, looking up to come face to face with the SOLDIER. Our noses were almost touching, but neither of us recoiled. Instead, he began to lean forward, hesitantly, and my gaze flickered to his lips, inching closer to mine.

He was going to kiss me!

I gignerly leaned forward, and eventually our lips were touching. It was a soft kiss, and rather pleasant. I slowly wrapped my arms round his neck and his snaked round my waist, pulling him slightly closer.

But then the door flung open and a flustered Kunsel stumbled in, freezing awkwardly on the spot as he caught sight of us. I instantly pulled away, my cheeks flushing the brightest red. Why did he have to walk in now?!

"Oh, err... sorry, guys." He slowly backed out, his bemused glance flitting between me and Zack. Then he disappeared altogether and the door slammed shut behind him.

My gaze returned to Zack and he grinned.

"Mission Complete," he muttered before he kissed me again.


I'm sorry, I had to include a little bit of romance, but at least it didn't dominate the whole story! :)

So, what did you think?

Rubbish ending, I know! I always suck at writing them. But, ah well! I hope the rest of the story was to your satisfaction!

Thanks so much to those who did vote and comment! Your support really means a lot to me!

Sorry it was such a short fanfiction.

~ _imagine_fantasy_

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