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Lazard typed a few words into his laptop and the large screen suddenly came to life with a low-pitched buzz. It emitted a light blue gleam, before fading into the profile of a 1st Class SOLDIER. An image of the SOLDIER, labelled Genesis, and bold, red letters stating 'MIA - Missing in Action', popped up. I didn't pay much attention to his face, though I admit he was slightly handsome; what ensnared my attention most was the fact that this 1st Class was M.I.A. His name bore a degree of familiarity, though I wasn't entirely sure where I had heard it from. Perhaps rumours had been spread about his disappearance and I had picked it up through conversation.

"SOLDIER First Class, Genesis," Lazard stated, eyeing me cautiously; no doubt inspecting my reaction. I remained impassive and met his cool gaze. "A month ago, he went missing during a mission in Wutai." He paused for a moment, before raising an eyebrow. "Know anything about this?"

I held back my surprise at this question and shrugged. "Not a clue!"

"Hmm," Lazard mumbled thoughtfully. He continued to stare at the screen for a moment, leaving me glancing around the room awkwardly, until I met Angeal's amused smirk and trained my eyes on the ground. The director began speaking again, and I suddenly snapped to attention. "The mission is currently stuck in limbo. That's why we've decided to send you in his stead."

"Uh... to Wutai?" I confirmed, trying hard to suppress my surprise. Angeal rolled his eyes and took a seat next to Lazard. I gazed at the First Class expectantly and he sighed in exasperation.

"Yes. This war has gone on long enough," Lazard said, clasping his gloved hands and resting his chin on his cupped fists. "And-"

At that moment, Lazard paused as the doors slid open smoothly, admitting a grinning SOLDIER. He had short, spiky black hair, with several long strands framing the sides of his face. He was tall, well-built, and his eyes were shining with the iconic sky-blue and mako-infused glint. His lips were drawn into a slight smile and he was clad in the original dark blue SOLDIER uniform, same as mine, though I was wearing the helmet. His positive demeanor immediately affected my own and I lightened up slightly.

"Ah, Mr. Fair. It's nice to see you have finally arrived."

"Yeah, uhh... sorry about that." He raised a gloved hand and ran it through his thick hair, grinning awkwardly at Lazard, who merely chuckled and shrugged it off.

"I was just explaining to Rowan here about the assignment."

It seemed 'Mr. Fair' suddenly became aware of my presence as his eyes skimmed across the room and lit up in surprise as they landed on me.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there. I'm Zack!" He held out a hand and I gingerly stepped forward and took it in my own.

"Oh, uh, nice to meet you Zack! Um, Rowan Kaelin, Second Class." I said it in the most sincerest voice I could muster, but I couldn't hide the sudden awkwardness. I let go of his hand and raised my head, and I couldn't hold back the sudden giggle that escaped my mouth at the shock evident on his face.

"Wait... you... you're a... a girl?!"

I grinned slightly and tugged my helmet off, allowing my long curls to bounce around my shoulders and my face. A blush suddenly creeped along my cheeks as he gaped and me, his eyes remaining glued to mine. I quickly broke the gaze and turned to Lazard.

"Okay, you two, there'll be plenty of time to talk later," Angeal cut through the silence and gestured towards the Director. "Please continue."

"Right, as I was saying. Zack, we have an assignment for you... and Rowan. We need you to-"

"Wait, we're doing this together?"

Angeal sighed, clearly exasperated. "Yes!"

Zack fell silent, disappointment evident in his face. This is going to be fun.

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