The Last Shinra SOLDIER (FFVII: Crisis Core Fanfic)

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The Last Shinra Soldier (FFVII: Crisis Core Fanfic)

After being appointed to a 2nd Class SOLDIER, Rowan Kaelin gets to show off her skill in the field when she is offered the chance to go on an important assignment. The war with Wutai has gone on long enough; Shinra wants to put an end to it. But when Genesis, the 1st Class sent to resolve this problem, becomes MIA (missing in action), the mission stays in limbo, and they're forced to send in another SOLDIER; Rowan. But she won't be alone, for she is only a 2nd Class. Although proven to be skilled with a blade, she can't accomplish the assignment on her own. Accompanying her is Zack Fair, a recommended 1st Class.
But what are these awkward feelings directed towards the quirky 1st Class Shinra SOLDIER? Will they get in the way of their important mission and direct them to the path of the last 1st Class? Or will the assignment be a success for both Shinra and Rowan?


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Square Enix. Most of the Story Plot follows that of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, also belonging to Square Enix. The main character (Rowan Kaelin) is my property, along with other possible names and locations.
No copyright infringement is intended.


Please note that I do have other fanfictions I'm in the process of writing, and I'd rather concentrate on those more, so I won't be able to update this everyday. Plus, school gets in the way, and I've got exams coming up. But I'll try and update whenever I can!

I'd appreciate it if you checked out my other works, too!

Thanks for reading!
Please enjoy my story!

~ _imagine_fantasy_

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