Fort Tamblin

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A/N: Yay. Update at last! Sorry it's been so long...


I wheezed as the air was knocked from my lungs and my forehead slammed into Zack's shoulder-pads. My head throbbed with the impact, but I quickly pushed myself off the dazed SOLDIER. His chest rose painfully as he let out a wheezy cough and he pushed himself onto his elbows, just as I landed with a thump beside him, my leg still overlapping his own. "Err, you okay?" He managed to say, gazing at me with concern.

"Yes," I snapped, sighing irritability, but then immediately feeling guilty. "Yes," I began in a calmer voice. "Thank you." And for the first time since I'd met him, I raised my gaze to meet his and offered him a genuine smile. He grinned back and I felt my heart suddenly lurch.

"Okay, you two, get up," Angeal's sharp voice broke the moment and I hastily pulled myself up, offering Zack my hand. He took it gently and I heaved him from the floor. "Right, get in there and clear it out. I'm counting on you!"

We both nodded and sprinted into the rubble of the front of the building, where a giant fissure gaped at us from the side of the Fort.

"Let's go!"

We leapt into the Fort grounds, immediately met head on by a barrage of missiles as the Wutai commander screamed at his men.

"No one passes beyond this point! The enemy is but two soldiers! Obliterate them!"

I glanced at Zack with a raised eyebrow, and he flashed me a smirk before swinging his sword relentlessly at the first opponent. I threw a quick glance behind me before joining the battle; Angeal was nowhere to be seen.

I ducked away from an abrupt thrust of a spear to my right, slicing up my sword with such force that the soldier staggered back with the impact of our weapons colliding. As he regained his footing, I pounced up and slashed my blade through his side, sending him tumbling to the ground. A hasty fireball, the size of my palm, quickly took care of the remaining enemies, and Zack glanced at me in bewilderment.

"Watch the hair!"

"Oh, sorry. Don't want to ruin those beautiful locks, now, do we?" My voice dripped with sarcasm as I grinned and sheathed my sword.

"Huh!?" Zack suddenly whirled on the spot as a succession of bullets began raining down from above.

"Do not let them past!"

I winced as a bullet grazed past my cheek and another skimmed past my leg, cutting into my trousers. I frowned and searched amongst the shadows that clung to the tops of the buildings, barely discerning the luminous orange uniforms against the gloom. Three small fireballs, shot from my palm, erupted in a vicious blaze, dancing and curling along the roof of the Fort.

"Piece of cake!" Zack grinned in approval, pumping a fist in the air, and we quickly sprinted to the entrance to the Fort, but I held out a hand to stop the eager SOLDIER from barging straight through.

"Wait," I whispered, my hand gripping his shoulder-pad. "There'll probably be more troops on the other side of the door. How about taking them by surprise?" I gestured towards the platform where the dead troops lay after being hit with my fire; the blaze had died down now and only a few embers sparked on the brick podium.

"Sounds good to me. Let's go!"

I nodded and inched towards the wall. Taking a deep breath and outstretching my arms, I began slotting my hands into fissures in the brick, and hoisted myself onto the side of the Fort. I began slowly scaling the wall, my feet and hands groping in the dark for breaches in the stone. I dared not look down, for a dizzying sensation began to drag at my stomach; I wasn't particularly keen on heights, and wanted to get over the other side of the wall as quickly as possible.

I could hear Zack's laboured breathing behind me; at least I wasn't the only one finding it to be a strenuous task.

"Nearly... there," I gasped, hauling myself onto the platform as soon as I reached the top. I slumped with relief, grabbing Zack's gloved hand as it appeared over the top. There wasn't much room, for most of it was occupied by the dead soldiers, and I had to shuffle awkwardly to one side as I pulled Zack next to me. Sweat beaded his forehead, his hair plastered to the side of his face. I smirked and he immediately caught on, running a hand through it and spiking it back up.

I rolled my eyes and my glance flickered to the other side of the gate. I instantly regretted it; the ground swam precariously below, and a sense of nausea gripped me. I dragged my eyes away, trying to conceal my fear with a blank guise, but to no avail.

"Afraid of heights?"

I glanced at my partner, flushing slightly. I reluctantly nodded, trying to hold down the panic.

"Don't worry. If you slip, I'm sure one of those Wutai Troops down there will cushion your fall and take most of the impact for you."

I glared at him, but his face remained sincere, apart from the grin threatening to break out on his lips. "Well, that's comforting."

"Whatever. Let's go!"

I nodded and braced myself.


You can do this!

You can do this!

Slipping my legs over the wall, I gently lowered myself onto the next platform, peering over the edge to count how many we were facing. Three? Was that all? Hah, this would really be a 'piece of cake'. I abruptly pushed myself off the wall, trying to push down my fear and panic as the ground drew nearer.

I landed with a soft thud and a pained grunt; the impact had jolted my ankle and pain rattled up my leg. But, pushing it aside, I drew my sword and limped towards the addled troops. My blade impaled the first enemy in the chest, and he glanced down at the sword protruding from his body in horror, before slowly collapsing to his death and taking my weapon with him. I tugged it from his limp form and swung round to meet the next enemy, but they were already dead.

Zack was casually dusting the dirt from his trousers and spiking up his hair, and I tried to suppress a grin. He handled everything so... recklessly. Like he hadn't a care in the world... except for his hair, of course. I shook my head in amazement, keeping my thoughts to herself.

Abruptly, my headset buzzed. Zack also raised his hand to accept the call and we both listened for Angeal's cracked voice.

"Were you able to get inside the Fortress?"

Zack responded before I was able to utter a sound, pumping his fist in the air as he so often does. "Piece of cake! I could have done it blindfolded. Oh, same with Rowan, of course!" He added hastily after throwing me an apologetic glance.

"Don't get too careless. I've heard that Wutai keep a large monster for anti-SOLDIER purposes." His voice was slightly muffled through the headset and I had to strain to catch his words. What I heard sent a wave of fear rippling through me; it looked like some tough battles were ahead. "It should be somewhere inside Fort Tamblin. Keep guard."

And with a final buzz, Angeal signed off, leaving us stood in silence. A keen wind blew about the grounds, biting at my face with it's icy tendrils.

"We'd better go and clear out this fort, then."

I nodded, again noting his casual tone, before following him into the fortress interior.

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