Extras: Lara & Craig

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Photoboard for "The Space Between Us"
Lara & Craig's story...

Scene: When Craig leaves the dinner table and goes into the backyard

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Scene: When Craig leaves the dinner table and goes into the backyard...

Craig ran down the front steps to the street and stopped short in front of his jeep. He'd forgotten to grab his car keys before he ran out the door. He growled out loud in his frustration before turning and heading into the back yard. He wasn't going back into that house now. Not with Cade Miller sitting at his table getting all friendly with his family. He'd just have to wait it out.

As he passed by the side of the house, he spied the garbage can and kicked it so hard that it shot up in to the air and came crashing down with a bang. He hoped they heard it. He waited a minute, but no one came running outside to see what the commotion was. Probably because they already knew it was him.

He growled again and ran a hand through his cropped hair. Leaning on the fence, he sighed, closing his eyes. He was so angry. How dare Rachel bring Cade into their home? It was his house too! He had rights! If he didn't want Cade Miller there, then he shouldn't be there!

"You okay?" a voice asked from behind him.

He jumped back from the fence and whirled around to see Lara, the neighbour girl, staring at him with concern on her face. He rolled his eyes and dropped his head back. Just what he needed. The pesty neighbour girl getting into his business.

"I'm fine!" he shot back. He wasn't about to tell her anything.

"You don't look fine," she replied calmly, moving closer to the fence. Her hands wrapped around the fence posts as she leaned in. "Wanna talk about it?"

"No, it's none of your business," he muttered. He turned and leaned his back against the fence just a few inches away. "What are you doing out here anyway?"

"Just enjoying the nice summer night," she said, looking up at the blackened sky full of stars.

He laughed at that. "Yeah, right."

"I am!" she cried indignantly. "Just because you can't doesn't mean that I can't. And I don't need you coming out here and wrecking my night. I was doing just fine until you came out here and threw your little temper tantrum." She'd had enough of Craig Morgan...for the moment. She'd been hearing from Rachel of how he was giving her such a hard time over her friendship with Cade. How did he not see that he didn't have any say over whether or not they were friends? And the fact that she was totally infatuated with him didn't discount the truth that he could be a real jerk sometimes!

He turned and looked at her, clearly shocked at her response. No one talked to him that way, let alone the little neighbour girl.

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