Chapter Fifteen - Part One

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I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up in surprise to see Cade's mom standing over me, a look of understanding on her face. I knew in that moment that she felt everything I was feeling. And probably so much more.

"Sorry," I said as I got up quickly. "You were probably sitting here." I started to move out of the way, so she could sit down but she shook her head and waved me back down.

"No, no, it's okay. You can sit there," she assured me. "I've been sitting for hours. I need to stand for a while." I sat back down as she moved around to the other side of the bed and took hold of Cade's other hand. I watched as her thumb stroked circles over the back of his hand, just like he'd done with my hand once. A sign of unconscious love. "You must be Rachel," she said with a small smile. I nodded. "Cade talked about you a lot. I'm Rita, his mom."

I remembered her from that day in the grocery store long ago. But she looked much older now. The abuse had aged her drastically. I felt so sorry for her life. I couldn't imagine what it must be like to be hurt over and over again and feel trapped in it, with no way to escape. I wished I could save her. And Cade.

Her face had the same battle scars that Cade did now. Her bottom lip had two stitches, she had a butterfly bandage over her right eyebrow, and her right cheek was bruised badly. But it was her eyes that haunted me the most. They were hollow looking, and so tired. Her face showed all of her worry and fear.

She had shoulder length black-going-grey, curly hair and she was on the smaller size, probably around my height but so slim...maybe some would even say skinny. Her hands looked rough and worn, like they'd been worked too hard for too long. Her complexion was weathered and pale. But the smile she gave me was genuine and I liked her immediately. I felt a kindred spirit in her.

"Hi Rita." I smiled at her before turning my gaze back to Cade. "I miss him," I whispered, more to myself than to her. I just needed to speak it out loud. That truth had been buried inside of me for far too long.

"He misses you too," she said. I looked over at her and she nodded, confirming her words.

We stayed quiet for a while, the rush of hospital life and the noise of the machines beeping and buzzing filled the awkward quiet for us.

"Will he be okay?" I finally asked.

She nodded. "He's been unconscious since they brought him in, but they assure me he will wake up...probably soon. There's no internal trauma to the head." She stifled a cry and covered her mouth with her other hand to hold it in.

I nodded and sighed, looking back at Cade. My big, strong, loveable Cade laying there motionless, looking so broken. I started to cry again but I didn't make a sound. Tears just slipped down my cheeks silently.

"He'll be okay," his mother said softly, her eyes on Cade's face. "He has to be okay."

I had to ask. I had to, even though I felt like I shouldn't. "Can you tell me what happened?"

His mom bowed her head and closed her eyes and I wished that I hadn't asked the question. I wished I could take it back. But it was too late for take backs.

"It was so late," she began, her eyes staring out at nothing. "I thought they were both asleep. I had gone downstairs to get a glass of water. It looked like Richard, Cade's dad, was passed out on the couch like usual and I didn't see Cade, so I assumed he was asleep in his room."

She sighed and rolled her shoulders back before continuing. "I was walking back towards the stairs with my glass of water when I bumped into Richard. He must have heard me in the kitchen. He'd gotten up in his stupor. My glass of water went all over him. He went right off the rails in a rage. Started hitting me, punching me until I fell down trying to shield myself..."

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