Chapter Sixteen - Part Two

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"Hi," he said, not smiling.

"Hi. How are you?" I asked tentatively. I tried to play it cool by busying myself with opening my locker and putting my books away. I needed something to do because honestly, I just wanted to grab him and kiss the life out of him.

"I'm fine. Listen, I just want to thank you for what you did for my mom...and for me. That was very nice of you." This was all said very matter-of-factly. No sweet smile or touch of his hand. Just words delivered to me, sounding like they were more out of obligation than anything else.

I stared at him as he shifted from one foot to the other awkwardly. I looked around us and noticed that everyone was watching us. Awesome. I did my best to ignore the prying eyes and turned my attention back to him. Was this the new 'us'? I sighed loudly and shook my head.

"Is this how it's going to be, Cade? After everything we've been through?" I shook my head sadly. "I thought that maybe if you had some time, you'd figure it out but..."

He swore under his breath, something I rarely heard him do. So, he was having a hard time with this just like me. Good. He should be. I loved that the muscle in his jaw was twitching like mad.

"I thought we were more than this," I said. "I thought you cared about me as much as I care about you." He still didn't say anything, just stared down at the ground. I slammed my locker door closed and waited, willing him to look at me. But he didn't. "Fine, be all tough. Be alone. Enjoy yourself! But you're making a big mistake." I shoved my finger into his chest hard and saw him grimace. I didn't care if it hurt. He was hurting me. "We belong together. You know it. I know it. And they all know it too," I added, pointing to everyone loitering around us pretending to be doing something when really they were just listening in. After I'd said my piece, I turned and started to walk away.

"Rachel," he called out. I stopped and turned to face him. I hoped for a second. But he shook his head. "I can't be with you." He stared back at me sadly. "I just can't."

I tipped my head to one side and narrowed my eyes, the anger rising up inside of me taking me over. "Can't, or won't, Cade?" And then I walked away and didn't look back.

Claire came up beside me as I walked the hall and gave me an awkward side hug. "That was fierce!" she stated, looking over her shoulder. "He's still standing there watching you." She looked at me. "Nicely done, Girl."

But it didn't feel nice. I didn't accomplish anything because I was still without Cade. I was still alone.


That night after supper, my parents came into my room to talk.

"How are you holding up," my dad asked. I had a feeling Craig had told them about my encounter with Cade today. They had both sat down on my bed on either side of me, staring at me with concern etched on their faces.

I tried to smile. I didn't want them to worry so much. I would be fine. It sucked big time, but I would get through this...eventually. "I'm fine, you guys. Please don't worry. You made me stronger than that," I said with a little grin.

"He's afraid," my dad said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting up a bit.

"He's afraid that you'll get hurt, and rightly so. He's trying to protect you."

"I know, but he can't protect me," I said pointedly. "I can take care of myself."

My dad shrugged a shoulder. "So tell him that."

"I have!" I cried in frustration.

"Is he worth it?" My dad asked. "Is he worth fighting for?"


"Then don't give up. Keep telling him until he gets it. He obviously loves you or he wouldn't be trying so hard to protect you."

I hadn't thought of it like that. My mom squeezed my hand and gave a knowing smile.

"Okay," I said, more to myself than them.

"Okay," my dad said back.


On Tuesday I didn't see Cade once, but I was okay with that. I was still figuring things out and wasn't ready to see him again just yet. I met Craig at his Jeep after school like we'd planned and was shocked when I saw him. His left eye was swollen shut and turning all shades of bruise.

"Craig, what happened?" I leaned in close, but he waved me away.

"I'm fine. Relax," he said impatiently, unlocking the jeep doors. I scampered around the jeep to my side to get in after he climbed in, leaning towards him again to get a better look at his eye. "It's fine, Rachel. Stop hovering!" he shouted at me, starting the engine.

"What happened?"

"Your boyfriend, that's what happened," he said as he pealed out of the school parking lot.

"What does that mean?" I asked, eyeing him warily. I couldn't imagine Cade punching Craig in the face. That didn't make any sense.

"I had it coming. I pushed him too far."

My eyes narrowed at his admission. "What did you do?"

He shrugged a shoulder carelessly as he turned a corner. "I ran into him in the halls just before lunch and decided to try talking to him."

What? "What did you say to him?"

"I told him he was an idiot to let you go. I told him not to screw this up and that he should stop acting like a coward. He punched me in the face and walked away." He waved his right hand like there was no help for it. "I had it coming. But when I saw him, I dunno... I just felt so frustrated for you. I mean, I know he's trying to protect you and all, but seriously. Just dumping you off like that...that's not okay. And it's not like he hasn't had time to think about all this already. Geez, how much time does the guy need? Even I get it!"

I gave a little laugh and sat back in my seat. My brother had defended my honor with Cade Miller. It was kinda sweet even though he'd been dead wrong to do it. Secretly, I wish I'd seen it all go down.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He shook his head. "It hurts like the dickens. That guy has an amazing right hook!" He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Wait till mom sees this. She's gonna go ballistic."

"I think it makes you look pretty tough."

He laughed at that, nodding, and then he reached over and cranked his hip hop music. And this time, I didn't fight him on it.


By Thursday, after talking with my closest friends and my parents and Craig, I had formulated my plan. I wasn't giving up. He could push me away, but I could push him back. I hoped it wouldn't blow up in my face.

My dad rolled up the sleeping bag for me while my mom packed me a little snack bag. "Are you sure about this, Rachel?" she asked for the umpteenth time.

"Yes, Mom, I'll be fine." I tried my best to hide my impatience with her questions.

"And you'll text us and keep in touch every hour?"

"Yes, I promised I would."

Craig ran downstairs with my pillow that I'd forgotten in my room. "You'll need this," he said, holding it up in the air before throwing it in my face. Typical.

My mom hovered close to me. "Mom, let her be. She'll be fine," Craig said impatiently, pulling her away from me.

My dad grinned and grabbed my mom's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "She'll be fine. Craig and I will take turns doing drive-bys, right Craig?"

My brother nodded and gave a mock salute. I just rolled my eyes. Seriously, my family was awesomely crazy. Anyone in their right mind would think that this plan of mine was nuts, but my family was supporting me in my decision.

Plan A: I'm going to set up camp on Cade's front lawn, and I'm not leaving until he takes me back.

Author's Note: Thanks so much for reading so far! It's going to get even more interesting with this new plan she's devised. Poor Cade! He has no idea what's coming...
Happy Reading!

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