14 ~ Best friend vs Boyfriend

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Y/N's pov

Today we had the day off so I asked Shayne and Damien if they wanted to film for my channel and they agreed to do the Best friend vs Boyfriend tag.

(Pretend the answers are real)

"Hey guys! So today, I'm joined by Damien and Shayne!" I gestured to the boys.

"So today, we're doing the Best Friend vs Boyfriend tag. Um, so, who do you think's gonna win?"
"Shayne." Shayne said.
"Well, yeah." Damien replied.

"Alright then. Anyways, let's just get on with it. So first question, how old was I when I had my first kiss?"

"16." Shayne answered.
"15" said Damien.
"You're both wrong. I was 17."

"Ok, how old was I when I lost my virginity?"
"18?" Shayne answered.
"Shayne's right. I was 18. Coz, nobody liked me."

"Right next question, why did I have to leave California when I was younger?"

"Shayne like left you in a park or something and your parents were like: 'We have to move, this boy can't be trusted with our Y/N.'" Damien answered.

"You were at my house when we were 18 months or something and I fell into the pool and dragged you with me, and we both almost died so your parents were like: 'Shit, we gotta keep an eye on this kids parents.' And then your dad got a job in England so you had to move and your mom was happy because you got away from my family." Shayne said.

"Oh god, well um Shayne's correct. I did almost drown in Shayne's pool and his dad saved him but I was still in the pool and Shayne's brother got me out, but like, that's a story for another video."

"Right so points stand at 0-2 to Shayne.  Ok next question, what is my go-to outfit?"

"Oh that's easy. Halter neck crop top or something, probably in black, denim short-shorts and your Zelda converse." Shayne answered.

"Black or red crop top or bralette, umm, short shorts and denim jacket maybe? Zelda shoes or converse, with your sunglasses, your weird bag thing and a beanie." Damien answered.

"Oh my god, you both gave such specific like, details. Uhhh, I'm gonna go with Damien on that one."

Time passed and we finished the video. I quickly edited it and uploaded it. Views and comments started flooding in immediately and I was shocked to see that some people were surprised at Damien being my boyfriend, even though our relationship had gone public. Newcomers, I supposed.


I was sat at my desk, struggling to keep my eyes open. I had been here since 9:00 am and had filmed 2 Smosh Games videos and edited 1 video while Wes was off sick and answers a dozen emails.

I tired yawn escaped my lips as I cut the video I was currently editing.

"Why don't you just go home, N/N?" Damien asked me, from his desk.
"I can't. 1. I need to finish this video and 2. You drove me here." I said simply, returning to my computer.

"Fair point. Well it's only 8 so you have enough time to finish it, don't rush and make it look bad." He told me.
"I won't." I replied.

Damien got out his phone and went onto Instagram. He went to his story and started recording.

"So it's about 8pm and I'm one of the last people in the office. Y/N's still here, and she's working on a video," He pointed the camera towards me.

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