12 ~ Road trip and Team Picking

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Y/N's pov

Today we were going to Smosh Summer Games: We Blew It! and I was super excited. I really enjoyed last years games so I hope this one is awesome too.

We were in the same buses as last time so there was me, Boze, Ian, Mari, Wes, Courtney, Shayne and Damien. I sat with Damien and Shayne at the front, while Boze and Mari sat in the far back. Courtney sat in the middle with Wes and Ian was next to them.

I fell asleep on Shayne's shoulder until I was woken up so we could get snacks.

"You jerks better not leave me again this time." I said.

We got food and drinks and stuff and I got back to the bus safely, without them driving away without me. I ate a bit and then fell asleep on Damien this time.

We got to the camp before the other bus so we got to choose our rooms and who we were gonna bunk with first. I went with Boze again but this time, Shayne and Damien went with Wes and Lasercorn. I found a room with 5 beds in it and shouted to Boze.

"Bozeington! Come here, and bring Court, Olivia and Mari with you!" I shouted to her. I saw her nod and she came over with the girls.

"Who wants to stay in here?" I said, gesturing to the room and moving to the side so they could see inside.

It had 5 single beds, quintuplet beds you could say, and 2 bathrooms in it. It had 2 dressers and 3 wardrobes and looked really cute on the inside.

"Yes!" They all squealed. And ran to get their cases.

"Boze! You stay here, I can bring your case. And I know you can kill whoever wants to take this room." I said.
"I gotcha." She said and stood bodyguard style outside the door.

I picked up mine and Boze's cases with ease and took them over to our room.

"Hey Y/N! Need a hand with those?" Joven came running over.
"Nah we good. But thanks for the offer." I said, giving him a small smile.

"You sure, I know that you and Boze both like to pack a lot of stuff. I learnt that last year." He said.
"Honestly Jovie, I'm good." I reassured him.
"Ok then."

I got to our room and dumped Boze's case. I chose the bed pressed up against the wall farthest away from the door. Boze was next to me, Mari in the middle, then Olivia, then Courtney.

We got changed and freshened up a little bit before heading out s we could film the team picking.

This year, we had a lot of refs...ish. We had @MattRaub doing most of the refereeing an then Sarah doing quite a bit too. Tanner and a few other people were helping out too. Even Tim, who always wear a suit and tie.

We also had team Captains for the teams, Shayne for the orange team and Joven for the blue team. Why? I don't know. He was pretty good last year. Ok who am I kidding! Joven was gonna be picked anyways.

Instead of having biased captains picking who was on their team, we had Sarah holding balloons instead and whatever colour you picked, you were on that team.

We did quite a few balloons and I wasn't chosen to pick one out. Until Shayne chose me. At the moment, the teams stand thus:



I went up to Sarah and looked at Damien. I saw him mouth 'Pick blue.' So I tried and actually got a blue one! Yassss.

After everybody was on their teams, it wasn't even. There was one more on our team than the other team somehow.

"Hashtag Sarah can't count!" I shouted out.

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