Chapter 14- Alex's POV

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Wesley and I walked into his room. "Do you have pants I could borrow?" I asked him. "Uh yeah, sweats fine?" He asked. I nodded and he pulled out a drawer of his dresser. He dug through a few pairs. "Here's my smallest pair, they should fit better," he said, handing me a pair of black sweatpants. I slipped them on, and stood there, not knowing where I was sleeping. "Sleep on that side," Wesley said, pointing to the left side. I nodded and got into the bed. I pulled out my phone and checked my messages while Wesley got changed. "Do you care?" Wesley asked me holding up pants, hinting he was changing. I shook my head and covered my eyes, like a child. "Okay we're good," he said and I opened my eyes. He had a different pair of sweats on and a tshirt. He went over to the light and turned it off. "Ow," I heard as he hit something. He eventually made his way over to the right side of the bed and got up. He rolled me over so I was facing him. The moonlight through the window was enough light to see his smile. I smiled back. He pulled me closer to him, basically into a hug. "I like you," Wesley childishly cooed. I elbowed him and laughed a little. "I guess I like you too." He smiled and we drifted asleep.

I woke up and saw sunlight come through the windows. I looked around the room, automatically knowing I was in Wesley's room by the color of the walls and the desk. I turned over to see Wesley sleeping. He was beautiful when he was asleep. The sunlight hit his skin just enough to show how it was tanned. His cheekbones were slightly lined with stubble. His pink lips were slightly parted and he was breathing deeply. His eyes were shut and his eyelashes were brushing against his skin. His hair was swept across his face in a messy way. His arm was under my back, where it was last night. He was the most attractive human I've ever seen, and I was so glad he was in love with me of all people. He could have any girl he wanted, and I know he has in the past. I wasn't jealous of girls being with him; I honestly didn't care how many girls he's been with. All that mattered to me that he loved me now.

I decided to get up and head to the bathroom, so I slowly climbed out of bed, making sure to not disturb Wesley. After I got off the bed, I turned to make sure he was still asleep. He was in the exact position as before, so I quietly left the room. I walked down the hallway until I got to the bathroom. I had no idea what time it was, so I made sure I was quiet enough not to wake up others. After I was finished, I walked back to Wesley's room. I slowly opened the door and closed it. I made my way over to his bed, and climbed into it again. He was still on his back with his arm out. I turned on my side and stared at him, admiring his beauty. I had never been this fascinated with somebody before. He moved a little bit, twitching his nose and eyes before opening them. He used his free hand to wipe the sleep out of his eyes and he yawned. He turned to look at me and he smiled. "Good morning," he said in his morning voice, which was very attractive. I smiled at him and cuddled up against his side. "Good morning Wesley," I said into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. "Did you sleep good?" He asked. I nodded; I had actually slept better than I had since I got to California. It was odd sleeping in the same bed as somebody else, but it gave me comfort knowing somebody was there. We stayed like this, me in his arms, for a while. We didn't say much, until Wesley shifted and unwrapped his arms around me. "It's so hot in here," he said standing out of the bed. He turned the fan on and took his shirt off. He threw it on the ground and walked back to the bed. He was on top of the comforter, but wrapped an arm back around me anyways. "So any plans today?" He asked me, looking into my eyes. I thought for a second, not knowing if Jade and I had talked about any plans. "Not that I know of. I think we might go back to Jade's house and start packing," I told him. "Okay, Keats and I might stay here then. We might come over at one point if we get bored," Wesley told me. After a few minutes of silence, I reached for my phone on the bedside table. I clicked the home button and the screen lit up. It was 9 am. I figured Jade was awake so I climbed out of bed. "Where ya going?" Wesley asked. "I'm going to see if Jade's up, we'll leave soon probably," I told him, opening the door. I closed the door behind me and walked to Keaton's room. I knocked and Keaton opened up. He was shirtless and had a pair of sweatpants on. "Hey," he said. "Hey. Is Jade up?" I asked. He nodded and let me in. "Jade are we going soon? To go pack?" I asked her. She was sitting on the bed Indian style. "Yeah we can leave now if you want," she said standing up. I nodded and walked towards the door. Jade kissed Keaton on his lips. "See you soon," she said and followed me. "You can say goodbye to Wes before we leave if you want," she said as we walked down the hall.

with a smile like thatWhere stories live. Discover now