Chapter 10- Jade's POV

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"Kidding? You think I'm kidding about moving out?" I questioned my parents, knowing they wouldn't leave without a fight. "You honestly think I would be joking about one of my life decisions? You're wrong," I said, anger in my tone. "Don't raise your voice at us young lady. You have no right to speak that way to us," my mother said. "No right? Thanks. I guess I'll start packing now since I have such unreasonable parents. Can't you just at least support me? Even if you don't help pay?" I asked, my attitude was through the roof now. "Jade Elizabeth Reynolds, drop the attitude. Now. Stay right here and hear us out. We don't want you to move out, I want us to be together here-" I cut him off before I got fed up with his lies. "HERE?! Here is definitely not Wisconsin, dad. Here is home, Wisconsin is some other state I don't care about. I'm moving out either way. You can help and support me, or you can just watch your only daughter leave," I stated, holding my ground. I looked at my mother and I saw a tear. "Jade, please. Move to Wisconsin with us." "Mom, no. I can't just leave Alex and everyone I know behind just so dad can get a raise. It's time for me to grow up and make some choices of my own. I wouldn't have stayed much longer and we all know that. I've been independent since I was young; I was born to venture off. I'm not going to Wisconsin. Final," I blurted out, feeling a little bad for my mom. My dad just shook his head and walked towards the living room, "I'm not giving you my money," is the only thing he said before sitting down. My mother looked at me with sadness and followed him.

I just stood there and looked at the ground. I slid down against the cabinets and onto the floor, crossing my arms over my knees and resting my head on my arms. I heard Alex sit down next to me. "Why does it have to be like this? Why can't they just support me?" I asked, barely audible. "It'll be okay. We can get the money, if I have to ask my parents for a little extra I will," Alex said, comforting me. I'm so glad I had my best friend here with me after two years of only Skype and calling. I sighed, "okay, but I have to get out of here," I told her, meaning tonight. I couldn't sleep here with my parents. She stood up and helped me up as we walked upstairs and into my room. "I'll pack a bag and we can go to Keaton and Wesley's. Laraine won't mind," I told her, having done this before. "They get back tomorrow right?" She asked. I nodded. I packed a bag of my clothes while Alex got hers from her room. I grabbed a sweatshirt out of my closet; my favorite. It was Keaton's. He gave it to me the night we went to the boardwalk, and I wore it sometimes since then. It smelled like him and was a little big on me but not too big. "Okay I'm ready. Let's go," I said while shutting off the light.

We pulled into the Strombergs' driveway and parked. Alex and I grabbed our bags and made it to the door. It was only 9 pm so it wasn't too late. Laraine opened the door and pulled me into a hug. "Nice to see you girls," she said while now hugging Alex. We both smiled and walked in. "Do you think we could stay here tonight? My parents are being edgy again," I told Laraine as we all sat down on their couch. "Of course! The boys aren't home and Brianna is out with her friends, so you can sleep anywhere. I wouldn't suggest sleeping down here because the boys are getting home early. You can sleep in their rooms if you'd like. Hopefully they aren't too messy," Laraine said smiling at us. I nodded, and got up. "We'll go put our stuff up there and come back down," I told her. Alex got up and followed me up the stairs. We stopped at the first door and I opened it for her. "You can sleep in Wes's room. It actually looked like he cleaned up a little," I said looking around the semi-clean room. Alex nodded and put her bag down as I left and walked to Keaton's room. I opened to the familiar scent of him. I smiled as I walked to the bed and put my bag down. I sat on the bed and took my shoes off, noticing a picture on the bedside table. It was an old picture of me and Keaton together at a bonfire. It was our sophomore year. I smiled as I looked at it and got up to get Alex.

Alex was standing outside of Wes's room on her phone. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. She looked up and nodded. We went downstairs and sat on the couch with Laraine. "What movies do you have?" I asked. "You two can look, I'm thinking of going to bed. Stay up as long as you like and eat whatever. Wesley and Keaton will be back around 5 am. I'll call them and tell them not to disturb you while you sleep. Night girls!" She told us before walking to her room. "Night!" Alex and I shouted in unison.

It was midnight and we decided to get to sleep. Alex had gone to Wesley's room and I went into Keaton's. I changed into my pajamas and climbed into his bed, on the side he doesn't sleep on. I put my head on the pillow, and the next thing I knew I was passed out.

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