Chapter 12- Alex and Wesley's POV

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We had spent a few hours just hanging out with each other. I was still sitting on the bed, Jade was still sitting in the desk chair, Keaton right next to her on the desk, and Wesley was beside me. It was now 11, and the conversations were slowing down. We had ran of things to talk about, so I thought I would throw an idea out, "Do you guys want to see the apartment? I can call the realtor and set up something to see it again," I suggested. "I can drive," Jade added. Wesley and Keaton exchanged the same look, "Yeah, sure. We can leave now if you want," Keaton said. "Yeah, I'll get ready," I said. Keaton got up after Jade as they went to get ready. Now Wesley and I were still sitting down, as he pulled out his phone. I got up to walk to my bag and grabbed the only pair of clothes I packed, a pair of black leggings, a white Ramones muscle tee, and my all black vans I had worn yesterday. "Can you leave so I can get changed?" I asked Wesley, who was paying more attention to his phone than anything happening around him. He looked up and nodded, getting off his bed with his phone in his hand and left the room. I closed the door behind him and locked it, just in case. I quickly got dressed and walked over to the door to unlock it.

I opened the door and tripped on my untied shoelace. I fell on top of Jade, who had two cups of coffee in her hand. "Well I had some coffee for you," she said laughing. I sat up on the floor, and laughed too. Jade hadn't gotten any coffee on her somehow, but my shirt was covered. I looked down and sighed, knowing I didn't pack another one. Wesley walked up the stairs and looked over the scene. "What the hell happened here?" He said, offering both Jade and I his hands to help us up. "The klutz here tripped through the door and fell on me," Jade told him. He just shook his head and looked at me. "Nice job," he said while laughing. I smiled as I punched him in the arm. "I see you have some coffee on your shirt," he said looking at my coffee drenched tee. "You think?" I said with a sarcastic laugh. "I didn't pack another shirt or I'd let you borrow one," Jade said. "You can borrow one of mine," Wesley said walking over the coffee and into his room. I looked at Jade and shrugged before following him. He was digging through his dresser, looking for a shirt. "I don't have many you'd like, but there's this," he said pulling out a plain nirvana shirt. It was the best I could get on a late notice, so I took it from his hands. "Thanks," I said. He nodded and smiled. He pulled his shirt over his head, "it's your turn to leave. I left last time," he said. I rolled my eyes and left. I went down the hall and found the bathroom. I walked in and changed my shirt, holding the wet one in my hand. I walked back to Wesley's room and knocked. "Yeah hold on I need pants," he said. "Hurry up, I need my stuff," I said through the door.

Wesley's POV

I was standing in my room, near the desk where Alex had left her phone. I lied to Alex about needing more time to get ready, just so I could keep looking at some more pictures. I saw her password in LA, and I remembered it, so I decided I might as well look. She didn't have many interesting pictures, but her recent photos were selfies of her and Jade. One in particular was my favorite, she had paint on her face and was laughing as she took the picture. I sent it to myself, went to her messages, and deleted the proof. "I'm ready," I called out, walking towards the door. I opened it and saw Alex walking towards me. "Took you long enough," she said with a smirk. "Yeah, whatever," I replied.

We were already at the apartment; it was closer than I expected. Keaton and I hopped out the back of Jade's jeep and I almost got hit by the passenger door, where Alex had been sitting. She hopped out, "watch it, you could've hit me," I said laughing a little. She rolled her eyes and kept walking to catch up with Jade who was halfway to the realtor. Keaton was not far behind Jade, and Alex was about to where he was. I jogged a tiny bit to get to Alex. "So which one is the one you're looking at?" I asked her, looking around to all the buildings. "That gross toothpaste green colored one over there," she said pointing to the right. She was right, it wasn't the most appealing color. I nodded and showed Keaton. He must have thought the same thing I was thinking because he made a disgusted face. I elbowed him in the side, "if it's nice in the inside, they'll get over it."

with a smile like thatWhere stories live. Discover now