Chapter 30

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Tobias POV

"Wow, Tris looks amazing " I think.

She slowly walks down the isle, her eyes looking straight at me, she is now directly in front of me.

We do our vows, they never have vows in Dauntless weddings, but Tris wanted something more traditional. Something more Abnegation.

After the vows, I lead her on to the dance floor, we do salsa.

I start laughing the second we start dancing, Tris looks like she's having a hard time keeping up with me.

" Tris, I'm not being rude, but you dance like a retard". I laugh.

She gives me a look "Rude, and I haven't started yet". She says with a smile.

The music changes pace and Tris makes me feel like I'm the retard now.

" Whose the idiot now, Tobias, Tori taught me how to dance" she laughs.

" Rude" I say.

The music stops.

We walk over to the buffet and stuff our faces with the delicious meals people have prepared for us, especially the cake.

We then walk up to the zipline, they upgraded it so now two people can go on at the same time.

I am getting strapped in by Will and Zeke and Tris is being strapped in by Shauna and Christina.

Tris and I are then hoisted up by someone,they let go and I go flying foward.

I look over at Tris, she looks at me and I smile, This isn't so bad with her here.

After that we head back to my apartment, she dashes into the bathroom.

After a few minutes I yell out, "Tris, are you ready for some PUM-PE- DA- RUMPY!" I laugh at that.

She emerges from the bathroom and says, " Oh, you disgust me Tobias".

She runs up and kisses me.

We fall on the bed.

Well, you know what happens.

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