Chapter 12

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Tobias POV

I leap up, almost hitting Tori in the process. I run up to Tris and my lips collide with hers. There is a tingling sensation inside me.

We stay like that for a few minutes, then Tori starts clapping, soon all the Dauntless in the room are applauding us.

" Come on, I have something to tell you" Tris whispers into my ear.

We sit next to the chasm, I listen in shock as she tells me what Marcus and Evelyn did to her and Evelyn threatning her.

Rage fills my body " How dare they even consider hurting Tris!" I think.

Tris can see my reaction, " Tobias, just don't do anything stupid" she says.

" Fine" I groan.

*********** Midnight**************

I tiptoe past the chasm, I'm going to Abnegation first, To teach Marcus a lesson.

Then I'll be heading to the Factionless sector, also to teach Evelyn a lesson.

I try to calm myself down as I wait for the train.

When the train finally does come, I jump on, Thinking up a plan for Marcus.

I don't want to kill him, actually no I do but I don't want to be like him.

Death is too easy for him. I see only one option: First, Truth serum then memory serum.

I will make him forget everything.

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