Chapter Twenty

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It's very much dark by the time I leave the office, which is completely empty of employees. As I drive home I hope Andres has sobered up, I don't have the energy to deal with a drunk one.

When I eventually reach home I first rush to my home office and send Danielle a message to set up a meeting with my investors for tomorrow, I need to update them on the progress of the complex. Everything is going as planned but I still need to let them know that their money is being spent responsibly.

When I finish, I take in the silent house and deduce that Andres is likely still asleep. I make my way to the kitchen. And gather the dirty dishes, placing them in the dishwasher and switching it on. Then empty the full basket of white shirts into the washing machine in the laundry room.

I then make my way upstairs, silently hoping that Andres is still asleep. He is not. When I enter the room he is sitting up in the bed, watching a video on his phone. He looks up at me when I enter, quickly shutting off his phone.

'Hey,' I call out to him softly.

'Hey,' he says back. He looks more alert and his words aren't slurring. His hair is sticking up in weird directions.

'How are you feeling?' I ask softly making my way towards the bed.

'Better, have a headache though. Don't remember what happened,' he says confused.

I sigh, 'You went out drinking with your coworkers, and you couldn't drive back so I had to go and pick you up and bring you back here,' I explain to him.

'I disturbed you at work, I'm sorry.' He at least has the decency to look ashamed.

I roll my eyes, 'Its fine just don't do it again, I don't want you risking your job or your liver,' I say acting like a concerned parent, although I could never stay angry at him for long.

'Sage, I'm also sorry about the bathroom,' he says slowly.

I sigh again, 'What did you do?' I ask him making a funny face. He doesn't answer, just staring at me instead.

I shake my head and walk in the direction of the bathroom, groaning as I enter. A weird smell hits me as I enter and I jerk backwards slightly.


I cringe at the scene in front of me, Andres seems to have thrown up on the floor leading up to the toilet bowl, and judging by the pile of sodden, now brown, towels on the floor he tried to unsuccessfully clean it up. The glass table that usually holds out bath oils has been shattered and the shards and broken bottles are strewn across the floor. The white curtain that used to cover the balcony door has also been ripped clean off the rail.

'What did you do?' I ask him, extremely annoyed.

'When I woke up, I felt like I was going to throw up so I ran to the bathroom. When I entered I slipped and caught the curtain and it ripped causing me to fall onto the table. By the time I got up I couldn't hold it in any longer and had to throw up,' he says hesitantly.

'There is a sink right there Andres, if you couldn't make it to the toilet the sink is much closer. There's even the bathtub.' My voice becomes squeaky as I reason with him.

'I'm sorry Sage, I wasn't thinking. I just needed to throw up.'

'You don't seem to be doing much thinking today Andres, first you ditch work in the middle of the day and then go drinking with your friends and now look at this mess.' I gesture to the bathroom. My voice almost a scream.

'I didn't do it on purpose Sage.' His voice matches mine.

I glare at him, 'Did you get back into bed with clothes that are possibly covered in throw up?' I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

'No! I changed,' he says getting even more frustrated, he hops off the bed and walks towards me.

'Are you sure? Because you are wearing the exact same thing as you did when you left the house this morning.' I gesture to his clothing.

He looks down at himself, then at the laundry basket and then back at me guiltily.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, 'You put the clean clothes in the laundry and forgot to change didn't you?'

He nods.

'Just ... just go to another bathroom and shower or run a bath or whatever while I sort this mess out,' I tell him through gritted teeth.

I watch him as he takes a towel from the vanity as the towels we are supposed to use are all soiled.

I follow him out of the room and see that he goes to the nursery guest bedroom. Shaking my head I go downstairs and brew some coffee to help with the headache I feel developing. I will clean up after Andres goes to bed, in one of the guest bedrooms.

I sit in the kitchen and drink my coffee, looking out into the dark beach outside. I jump when Andres suddenly thunders down the stairs. And into the kitchen.

'I have to go to the office,' he says surprisingly energized.

'Andres its seven o' clock!' I say surprised.

'I know, but because I left early I never finished some stuff that really needed to be finished by today and Patricia called me saying it needs to be done,' he explains quickly. I frown because just this morning he had told me that there wasn't much work for him to do.

I do take note that he is wearing sweatpants and a golfer.

'Okay, but let this be a lesson for you. You cannot skip work like that,' I explain.

He nods at me and bolts out of the door, and not even a minute later I hear his car racing out of the driveway.

Andres has been gone for a whole ten minutes and I have just finished my warm coffee. As I place the cup on the counter there is a knock on the door.

I walk quickly to the foyer, and see Hunter standing outside, through the window on the door.

'Hunter, what a pleasant surprise. Do come in.' I say suddenly happy when I open the door.


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