Chapter Thirteen ✅

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The next day Andres and I wake early, only this morning we are both getting ready for work.

He heads into the shower first, while I stay under the warm comforter for a little while longer, thinking about this whole situation. Something still doesn't seem right. However, I just discard the feeling to one side when Andres comes out of the bathroom. I start to get ready for my day.

We silently make breakfast together, the only sound either of us making is when Andres gets sprayed with bacon grease.

When we finish breakfast, with moderate conversation, we both head out. Me to my car and Andres to the rental which I luckily kept for a little while longer.

When I reach my office, I head straight into my own and close the door. Not that I purposely avoided conversation with everyone, they all just seem to be busy in their offices or out on business.

In no time I immerse myself into my work. My manager sent me the resumes of a few potential employees. An advertisement was placed late yesterday, so I am surprised at how fast the documents started flowing in. it takes me a while to sort through the resumes, and send the ones with potential back. Afterwards I attend three meetings back to back with the various investors, each taking me a while to get to as I am still learning my way around the city.

During the drive to each meeting, among the thoughts about work and financials, the thoughts about Andres slips back into my head. It has been years since I last saw that ring. My eyes keep getting drawn to the glove compartment. I also can't brush away the feeling as if something horribly wrong is going on.

It's a terrible feeling, thinking something is going on but you cannot think of anything that it could be. It's like being in a deserted place, dark and dreary, and having the eerie feeling as if someone is looking at you.

At the end of my long day, full of meetings, I decide to just stop. I park my car in one of the many parking bays along the coast.

I sit in my car and stare out at the calm ocean before me. Thousands of thoughts run through my mind.

I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm down my overworking mind.

When I feel stable again, I drive off, going home.

When I reach the general area of the estate I spot a care that looks very similar to the one Andres drives turning left in front of me, I speed up to catch a glimpse of the number plate and confirm that it is in fact Andres. But why is he headed into a section of the city that we have never been to before? His office is close to mine, I found that out when I searched for the Cunningham law firm yesterday, out of genuine curiosity. His job does not even require him to travel to different parts of the city, he was supposed to be working in an office all day.

As I make the turn to follow Andres I see that he is three cars ahead of me, until he makes another sharp left. I try to follow but get caught by the red light. When I finally get onto the road in which he had turned into, I cannot see his car anywhere. Although, I do sub consciously note that there are a lot of entertainment venues and hotels in the area.

Confused, I make my way back home.

When I reach there, I prepare some cereal and sit by myself in the kitchen. I try to sort my thoughts out once more. Try to figure out why Andres would be sneaking around after work. Why would he accept the job with that horrible lady, who clearly doesn't like us? He doesn't need to work. And if he really wants to, I can help him to find a job elsewhere.

The feeling of lead in my stomach returns.


i know we are back to the shorter chapters, im sorry.

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