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Author's note:
        Before I start this story and to avoid being accused for plagiarism  I would like to tell everyone that this story is really the cause of my own imagination and I already posted it on asian fanfics under different name but for some reason I couldn't finish it because unfortunately I couldn't open my account...pffftttt...
        And wait there's more to it...on asian fanfics it was tag as gender switch( only JaeJae Oppah ) but here...I finally decided that I would stay with their real gender...so expect some changes. .simply because...I really like the way they are?...having a hard time imagining JaeJae Oppah as a girl?...Im not comfortable to JaeJae Oppah being a girl?...dont know...all I know is that i want to used their real gender... .enough of blabbering...let the story begin...

Hoping someone will read this hehehehe.

Chapter I: Possesive

        " Hey princess, what are you doing?" A young man suddenly appear from nowhere disturbing the sulking beauty sitting under a sakura tree.

        "Omo...do you intend to kill me? ". He hissed.

        " Of course not..you haven't meet your prince yet so you need to stay alive." He sauvely countered not minding his deadly glare.

        " Pffftttt...if it's not because of you...I've probably meet him. Ce east voter faute( it's your fault ) ....hmmmpppp." He backfired pouting.

        " Hey that's not fair. No talking in french. You know I can't understand it ". He whined.
         " It's not my problem anymore." He answered carelessly and base from his tone he's pissed.

        " That's cruel of you. Do you mind considering my poor state of understanding your native language? Please...pretty please..." He adorably beg.

        " Okay but in one condition." He said with a differebt twinkle in his eyes.

        " Oh no. Here we are again. Trouble...this is trouble." He silently utter.

         " Okay...its seems like you're not interested then I'm going." He said and gathered all her things and started to walk away when he didnt answer immediately.

         " And one more thing..stop calling me princess and calling him my prince. .in case youre dumb were both man." He sternly added.

        " Eh?... Hey wait up..don't go..He called out and immediately run after his friend.

        " Now what?" He hisses again but he's trying to hide a smile.

        He breathed deeply before answering. " Okay you win. What is it this time?" He ask surrendering once more to the beauty infront of him while silently praying for guidance and forgiveness for the sin his going to commit again (o C'mon...its not like youre going to kill someone..silly.) when he saw the kind of smile adorning his beautiful face.

        As soon as thay enter the Heaven's Club he started to scold him again.

         " I should pick you up instead of letting you come here by yourself. You planned it all from the beginning and I fall for it again." He whined once more with an annoyed look.
          " Relax...we should enjoy the night. " He answer carelessly but avoiding his intense gaze.

        " Enjoy the night? How could you expect me to do that when you're looking like that?" He hisses.

        " What?... I think I look fine." He smiled sweetly. " Well.... I think I look hot ".

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