Chapter 5: Nosedive death....

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/~~Shadow's P.O.V~~/ 

"Yeah, yeah that's right," I said encouragingly to Toothless as he concentrated. I grinned as the flaps near his ears flared blue.

"Why can't it stay like this?" He asked looking into the stream we were next to and seeing the blue flaps. I purred happily, I liked being the smart one in this.... relationship. I looked at Toothless's reflection and admired his eyes. With the light from the sunset they looked bright and alive. His head disapeared as he pulled it away. My heart sunk slightly. 

"Well, it's getting late, we should be getting back." Toothless said stretching his wings out ready for flight. I followed him up into the air. I roared happily as I spun up and up. Toothless followed me and soon he was vertically in front of me. We beat our wings slowly so as not to hit each other. I smiled as a sudden idea poped into my head, I lashed my tail out and tapped his wing. 

"You're it" I growled still smiling as I folded my wings around my body and fell down. 

I spun over so that I was facing the ground below, I couldn't hear much with all the wooshing from the wind but I guessed that Toothless was behind me. I closed my eyes and put my head out straight to gain more speed. Now perfectly streamline I ignored everything else in the world and just enjoyed the sensation of falling. 

"Shadow" I heard like a whisper in the wind around me. "Shadow, stop!" this time it was lowder, I recognised it to be Toothless. He was asking me to stop, well I wasn't going to let him win! 

/~~Toothless's P.O.V~~/

Terror filled me up as I watched Shadow hurtling to the ground, me hurtling after her. I roared her name as she began to get dangerously close to the ground. She was either ignoring me or couldn't hear me. I folded my wings around me copying her postition and folded my two pairs of tail flaps in cutting off any direction, the only direction now was down. I roared her name and told her to stop. 

Her stupidity made me mad and I felt myself speed up as the wind became louder, alost as if the sky and air wanted me to get down to her. If I strectched out my claws I would be able to grab her tail, but I couldn't risk something happening to it, I wouldn't do that to another dragon. I was so angry that I considered shooting a fire blast at her, it would have been funny in a different situation. I was gaining on her fast about a foot a second, but every second I got closer, the closer we got to the ground. 

Finally I pulled up along side her, I shoved into her opening my tail flap to direct me. Her eyes snapped open wide at the sight before her. We were but a mere 30 feet from the ground now. 

"Open you wings!" I roared at her. Unfurling my own wings so that they were now poised at my side slowly I began to open them. I pulled up from the nosedive and spread my wings fully gliding, speading 15 feet from the ground. I glanced behind me to see Shadow hot on my tail, her face was a mask of concentration, but her eyes betrayed her distress at the near death experience. 

I beat my wings upward in the direction of the caves we spent our nights. I glided down onto my edge and looked around expecting to see Shadow on her own cave, I then would have flown down to rage at her. Instead when I turned around I came nose to nose with her. She whimpered her eyes asking me a silent question. I lay down my back to the mountain that my cave was set in. The inside was lit by the almost set sun as I opened my wing and Shadow lay down next to me. She was shaking. 

"Are you alright?" I asked quietly. 

"No" She said truthfully. 

"Do you do this on a daily basis, this speading to the ground death experience?" I asked rememebering our first meeting. She shook her head setting it on the ground near me. "You scared me." 

A tale of two Night Fury's: Toothless and ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now