Chapter 4

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Y/n POV:

I wake up to my phone ringing. It's Jade.
'Dude, schools closed today, look outside!' I hear her almost scream. I open my curtains in the corner to see at least 7 inch deep snow. I then close the curtains again.

'Wanna go for a walk?' I sarcastically ask. My voice a little groggy.

'Funny, Y/n. Anyways, I gotta go. See ya dude!' She then hangs up. I smile lightly. Judging that I'm not going to school, I dress in an oversized blue jumped with black leggings and fluffy black socks to keep my feet warm. I turn my lamp on since I don't be opening the curtain. I don't feel hungry so I don't bother to go downstairs.

Instead, I begin to play my keyboard. I feel like a spoiled brat having a keyboard in my room, but it's literally the most expensive thing I'll ever own. I began making a tune, most people don't know I play it, but o don't talk. I begin playing 'lost boy' by Ruth b. I liked that song. I hum the lyrics since I don't feel like singing them.

Once finished I hear a voice.
'Who knew you could play piano?' It's Jack. He's at my door, usually if the door is shut nobody can hear me.

I look at him, I feel my face heated but I say nothing. I then look away and then it off. 'Sorry.' I mutter.

'Why are you sorry?' He confusingly asks. I feel my face form onto a confused look myself as I look at the floor. 'Look, mum and dad told me to tell you they're making pancakes.' He then shuts the door.

I think that's the nicest he's ever been to me. My first thought is that he's up to something. I replay the conversation. Why was I sorry? I guess because I figured I had made him wait for me to finish. Then again he would have just interrupted me. Weird guy.

I have pancakes and go back upstairs. I hear something hit my window. Slowly and hesitantly, I open one curtain. There I see Clyde and Craig who are laughing with the window open. There's a small crack in my window now. I look at them and sigh before closing my curtain again.
'Freak!' I hear Clyde shout.

I sit at my desk and look in the mirror. Why don't you just talk more? Why aren't you pretty? You need thinning down. A face lift too, and your boobs are practically invisible. Your hair is too boring, you need to change it. Dye it a colour. But you don't want attention until you lose weight. Until you're pretty. Guess you're never dyeing your hair then.

I groan and throw myself on my bed. Why not do something to my hair? I look online at hair products and different hair colours before texting my dad,
'Can I dye my hair?'

'What do you want to dye it for?' He responds.

'Just a little change, you know?'

'I mean, if you want. What colour?'

'Idk, maybe blue or purple or something.'

'Make sure I see this colour before you get it.'

I decide to send him a few pictures of this dark purple colour I find.

'Looks nice actually. Ok then, get it if you want.'

'Can I order it now? For a delivery tomorrow?'

'Your money, your hair.'

'Thanks you!'

I order it immediately and lay on my bed. Then I get a text.
'Freak.' From tweek.

'Thanks.' I respond.

'Why're you so freaky?' Token then texts me. I don't respond.

'You should kill yourself.' Cartman texts.

Why the fuck is every one texting me? I look to see an Instagram post from Craig saying 'everyone text the weirdest person you know with an insult. Go! Hint hint, Y/n, Jade, Rebecca and Mia.'.

Fuck him.

I then get a text from Heidi. 'Ugly slut.'

Followed by Wendy. 'You're not that pretty, need a makeover?'

Then it ends. I'm sure the other girls have got them too. I go to our group chat and ask, 'everyone else got texts too?'

'Yup.' Rebecca says.

'Haven't they got an actual life?' Mia asks.

'I can't wait until school's over. I'm planning on moving to new York.' Jade puts.

'That'd be cool. You better stay in touch bitch.' I put. I don't actually talk, but I will text.

'Duh.' Jade says.

'Do you think they'll be school tomorrow?' Rebecca asks.

'There better not be. I'm loving not getting physically bullied.' Mia says.

'We're still getting bullied out if school.' Rebecca states.

'That's why I put physically.' Mia says.

We then all go offline. I hear mum call me for tea. I go down where we're having pasta. I eat it whilst the other three talk, Jack minimally. I then wash my plate and cutlery before going upstairs.
'Wait wait, why do you want to dye your hair, Y/n?' Mum asks. I shrug.

'She said she needed a change.' Dad says.

'What's that supposed to mean?' Mum asks.

'It's hair, mum. It's fine.' I say before going upstairs.

It's not long before I end up going to bed.

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