― 11 | training.

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YEAR: 1940.

Roni kept her promises. She visted Marcos and Sameer very often, making sure they were happy and living. Sameer got to live out part of his dream: he hasn't become a famous actor yet but he was in the small business and Roni couldn't be happier for him. Marcos was content with his job in Greece and he took care of the house and garden that Melaina had left him.

Whenever she visited Marcos, she was afraid to even go near the weapon's shop ever since Mr. Serapis had commented on her professions, which she had never mentioned to anyone. Roni knew she should've barged into his store and demanded to know how and why he knew that but she was too afraid. So she never did.

Of course, another war had begun. Another Ludendorf had made himself heard and become the enemy. Another millions of lives were being taken. This time, she had no Steve Trevor to motivate her. No old group to join. Not even Diana had tried to contact her. Maybe she was still believing that mankind didn't deserve her. Roni wasn't so sure. Part of her wanted to intervene, to look up another spy agency to join. The other part didn't. It wanted to see what the humans would do without her help. Either way, she was too scared to use her powers. She still hadn't mastered them and more kept revealing themselves by impulsive acting.

Sitting on the sandy beach with her book in her lap, she was stuck. She had nothing more to write at this point which was almost a motivational reason for her to join the war. She enjoyed the sound of the waves, ones that she so rarely heard on Themyscira, but then opened her eyes. Another presence had just joined her, causing her entire chest to tighten. It couldn't be.

"I'm glad you've made yourself at home somewhere. Though I didn't expect it to be a beach. Not really our type." A male voice said from behind her.

Roni quickly stood up and turned around. Her lips parted and her eyebrows pushed themselves closer when her gaze landed on a familiar face. Mr. Serapis stood there, hands down his pockets, not aged a day. It wasn't possible.

"How? Wh– How have you not aged? It's been years." She stuttered.

"I could ask you the same." He retorted.

"Serapis..." She whispered to herself and closed her eyes in frustration. "I'm so stupid. I should've figured it out. I thought you were dead. Ares killed the Olympians."

"He did. But I'm not an Olympian. I mean, I am technically, but I never left the underworld. I was never at Olympus so when Ares had his little breakdown and went on a murder spree, I stayed put and he forgot about me." Hades explained shortly. Tears started to heavy her eyes but she refused to cry in front of him.

"You left me and yet you think it's okay to meddle in my life without telling me?" She questioned sarcastically. "You're unbelievable. I don't want anything to do with you or Eris."

"Can you please let me explain? I know you don't want to hear it but please, I need to." He pleaded and took a few steps closer. She held up her palm shortly before sighing and sitting down. He carefully joined her side and pulled his legs up against his chest.

"If I can write it down right now. It'll distract me from wanting to punch you as you talk." She demanded and opened a new page in her book, spinning the pencil between her fingers.

"I never abandoned you. When you were born, Zeus threatened to kill you. Yes, a child. He would've killed you just for being a potential threat to him if I hadn't left you at Themyscira. I never wanted to leave you but it was to protect you. I knew Hippolyta despised me but I thought that if she got to hold you for a awhile, that she would see you were just a kid, that she would treat you as her own. I've learned now that she didn't and I'm so sorry. If I had known, I would've come but she made me promise that I nor your mother wouldn't ever visit you and if a god breaks his promise... that gives consequences. You can't break a promise as a god or goddess. That's why I never visited. When you left, I used the skills Hephaestus taught me and forged weapons because I knew you'd want them. I was going to tell you the second you entered my store but I just... couldn't bring myself to do it."

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