― 07 | england.

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Standing on top of the mountain, Roni smiled over the breeze that pushed her hair behind her shoulders or across her face. That spot was one of the things that made her feel so free but powerful, being on the top of an island that no one else could see. Even though the sky was pitch black you could still see some color in it. Despite being in such a serene state and on an island full of amazons, she still felt so alone. Steve was currently talking with Diana and the rest were afraid to even face her.

"I like the new armor." A ghostly voice said from behind her. Blinking her gaze upwards, Roni inhaled a short breath before she slowly turned around with a heavy stone buried in her chest and tears in her eyes. "It's nice to see you again but uh... I was pretty sure I died in battle." Keith laughed, which made her smile briefly.

"Give it to you to joke in a time like this." She commented and tried to take in his features that were illuminated and thin. If it wasn't nighttime, she'd have a hard time seeing him.

"Where are we and how am I here?" He asked and took a look around.

"I needed someone." She assumed and shrugged sloppily. "And you were... easy to collect."

"That's nice." He smiled and approached her, caressing her cheek. His touch was cold but somehow whole and lingering. "What'd I miss? Did we win the war?"

Roni shook her head and pursed her lips together. With a sigh, Keith placed a kiss on her forehead before resting his own forehead on hers. It was nice for him to feel something again, even if just for a moment.

"When you died, I unleashed something I didn't know I could and I have no one to talk about it with. Then I was kidnapped by the Brittish military and I ended up here."

"Where exactly is here?" He asked and frowned at her.

"Home." She whispered and gulped. "This is where I grew up. Sucks, doesn't it? I run away from home only to get sucked back here."

"I'm sorry, I know you hated it here." He sympathized. "I should probably thank you. I don't know what you did when I died, but I'm at a good place. Do you have the ability to send people to heaven as well?"

"Not heaven." She chuckled and folded her arms together. "More like... the pretty, Persephone-designed parts of the underworld. Trust me, I have no idea what I am. When you touched my hand at the field, it was like three options that popped into my head and I got to choose where to send you."

"Well, whatever you did, you gave me a good end. It wasn't even painful. Your powers aren't all bad, Roni. Remember that. What happened to me wasn't your fault, there was nothing you could do. You saved us time, if you weren't kidnapped you'd made us won that war. Whatever it is you're facing or going to... you'll win. You'll make it through. It might be lonely right now but I'll bet you'll find someone someday that's going to make you the happiest person alive. Now go kick some ass." Keith encouraged her before gently grabbing her face and kissing her. It felt like a leaf grazing her lips but that didn't matter to her as much as his words did.

"If anyone messes with you down there..." She whispered and laughed quietly.

"I'll send you a message somehow, I promise." He assured her before letting go. With a genuine smile, she squeezed his hand and closed her eyes. Soon his touch faded and when she opened her eyes again, he was gone.


Wiping the tears from her cheeks, Roni crossed her arms and turned around to face Diana. She was wearing a different armor than earlier underneath a big, black coat. Her soft expression almost made Roni feel bad for being so hostile toward her. Almost.

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