― 05 | becoming a spy.

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The relationship between Hadronia, Melaina and Marcos had developed to say the least. There was no jealousy or anger anymore and they simply lived normally up until the war arrived. There were whispers about the Macadonian struggle but no one had actually declared anything, especially not to the women. But it wasn't hard to miss that more and more men left the city for their duties. Then one day someone knocked on the door and asked for Hadronia.

"Yes?" She asked and raised one eyebrow.

"Miss Hadronia, am I correct? I'd like to speak with you." The man on the other side proclaimed politely. She carefully opened the door to let him in and then closed it once he had entered. Melaina and Marcos glanced up from the couch and then stared at Hadronia. "Good evening. I'm not sure if word has spread yet but we're in a civil war with the Bulgarians."

"There's been whispers. Why are you here though? Not to be rude but Marcos isn't a trained soldier and we're–" Hadronia started but he interrupted to spare time.

"I'm not here for Marcos or miss Melaina. I'm here for you." He said bluntly. "I was tipped by a local that you are more than capable to fight. I came to recruit you, if you wish to join us. I'm general Jace."

Hadronia looked back at Melaina and parted her lips, silently asking for help. Melaina merely shrugged helplessly and bit her lip. Jace waited patiently but Hadronia only fidgeted and tried to come up with an answer. The way he acted made her believe he'd want to recruit her in this instant and she wasn't certain she could just leave Melaina now, so abruptly.

"I think you should do it, Roni." Melaina stood up and joined them with her arms folded. "You could really help, you know."

"I want to go, I think, but... I can't just leave you guys." Hadronia whined and rubbed her forehead with her thumb and index finger. "Besides, maybe I shouldn't fight in wars. What if I lose control?"

"You'll be fine." Marcos assured with a soft smile while Melaina put her hand on Hadronia's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

"I have a question." Hadronia suddenly thought of one thing that bothered her. "Which local? How did you know where to find me? I haven't really made any friends here."

"The person asked to be anonymous which I granted. I'm sorry but I can't tell you. Will you join us or not?" Jace asked bluntly and after another moment of thinking, she accepted.

Hadronia led Jace to their training spot with the other two following and started collecting her things. She left most weapons with Melaina though and Jace swore not to tell anyone. The things she did pack with her was her armor, her sage blades, a dagger she could strap around her upper thigh, a sword and a shield. That left Melaina with the bow and arrows, her own sword and shield and the gun.

"Quite a collection you have here." Jace smiled and took a quick survery of the spot. "It's impressive."

"Wait until you see her actually use them." Marcos commented and Hadronia smiled down at the ground.

"I can hardly wait. Say your goodbye's, I'll be waiting down the road." Jace said before he left them alone.

"We'll miss you. A lot." Marcos sighed before pulling her in for a hug. Hadronia laughed through her nose and stroked his back. "Be careful, all right?"

"You do remember I'm immortal, right?" She chuckled while ending the hug so that Melaina could pull her in for another one.

"Just please don't get yourself killed. I don't care how bulletproof you are, I'll still worry. Gods, I love you so much." Melaina sniffed and buried her face against her shoulder. Hadronia glanced at her palm where her marks glowed without hurting.

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