Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home

My toes sunk into the sand as I stepped off the small boat that we used to paddle to shore from the ship. I carried my worn leather boots in one hand while I entered a light jog towards my childhood home. Shortly after I arrived on its old wooden steps, I pushed open the door and stepped in side. It smelled just like it used to, which brought a smile onto my face. Memories of Aiden, our mother, and I flashed in my mind and a pang of sadness made my eyes begin to water and my heart break a little more. I shook those memories away because I am not one to cry. I dropped my boots next to the door and walked to my old room and began to climb up to the top bunk. The bed screeched and wobbled but I managed to lay down and just hope it wouldn’t collapse. It felt amazing to lay in a good bed to take a nap and just relax after being at sea for so long.

I began to doze off until I heard the front door slam shut which woke me from my sleepy trance. I debated if I wanted to go see who it was or to just stay in bed, but my laziness over ruled so I tried to listen and figure it out from underneath the comfort of the warm blanket. At first, all I heard were people walking around till I heard Aiden and my father talking. I couldn’t understand what they were saying so I just closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Shortly after I closed my eyes I heard Aiden walk into the room and then lay on the bottom bunk. I began smiling like an idiot at this, because it reminded me of when we were little. So much has changed. Aiden and I used to be so in sync but now we argue and hardly get along. 

“Just like old times, aye?” I said so softly it was almost a whisper.

“Just like old times,” Aiden answered sounding really sad. He must be thinking about our mother too. “I feel like when I go into the other room Mom will be sitting there smiling at me… at us…”

“I miss her so much,” when I said this my voice cracked from the pain in my heart that my mother left seven years ago.

“Apart of me died with her,” he stated, “and I can’t imagine what it was like for you and father…”

“She took a piece of all of us with her,” I said as I flipped over on my left side and fell asleep.


I woke up from my dreamless sleep and it was pitch black outside. I peered over the side of the bunk bed and Aiden was still out cold. I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep but I was wide awake. Gosh, I should not of napped on the ship earlier this morning. I climbed down off the bunk bed and fixed my shorts, untangled my hair, and straightened out my cloak and left the hood down. I snuck out of the room and down the hall past my father’s room to the front door, and stepped out into the cool ocean air. I began to walk, not knowing where I was going.

I eventually found myself standing in an old tavern. I sat down at a table alone and started at my hands not knowing what I was doing or what to do. “Wanna drink, mate?” a young man with copper hair came up and asked me. I glanced up at him not having a single idea of what to ask for.

“Yeah, just surprise me,” I said as I handed him a silver coin. He took it and smiled and strolled off. It wasn’t long till he brought me a small wooden cup. I took it a gave him a weak smile to show my thanks.

“You seem like someone who would enjoy a good cup of rum,” he said beamed me a grin then went back behind the counter to clean used glasses. I took a sip from my glass and the rum was smooth and had a bite to it but it was delicious. I’ve never had rum before and now all I can think is ‘where has it been all my life?’ I sat there and sipped at the drink happily, enjoying the effects it was beginning to have on me. It made me warm and lifted my spirits.

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