Seven Years Later

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Chapter 2- Seven Years Later

"I spot a small Spanish ship in the distance!" I shouted down from the crows nest. I put my spyglass back into its usual pocket in my leather belt bag that rests on the left side of my hip, I grabbed the rope in front of me and glided down to the deck. I rolled to prevent the shock from the fall hurt my legs and feet, and then made my way over to my brother who was standing at the edge of the ship staring out over the vast sea. "Should we engage in battle?" I asked Aiden who is my father's quartermaster, (the quartermaster is in charge of the ships navigations, supplies, and money.)

"I think we shouldn't," he said sternly as he continued to stare out over the water. I punched his arm and glared at him since he wasn't even giving me eye contact. He jumped in surprise and yelled," what was that for?!"

"Why shouldn't we?" I asked a bit angry with his decision. "We haven't been in a good fight recently and we could always use the supplies!" I don't even know why I am trying to reason with him because he is as stubborn as an ox.

"We shouldn't engage in battle because we are bored," he reasoned. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms trying to calm the anger that has started to build up in me. "You're need for battle when you have nothing to do is what is one day going to get you killed, that and you recklessness."

"My recklessness? At least I don't cower in the Captain’s quarters during a battle," I snapped back at him. I didn't realize that my fists were clenched so tight that my nails were digging into my skin. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for s few seconds to released the tension in my hands to try and calm myself down before I hit Aiden.

"I'd rather be called a coward than be dead," he said emotionless as he turned away from me to go back to staring blankly at  the sea. That hit my right in the heart, he said that as if he wouldn't be affected if I was to die.

"Your about to be dead in a second..." I threatened through gritted teeth as my father approached us.

"What are you two arguing about?" Our father asked as he placed his firm hands on both of our shoulders. His touch immediately calmed me and allowed me to relax. Aiden and I still held the same angry look on our faces.

"I think we should engage the small Spanish ship," I said darting a glare at Aiden. "But Aiden and his stubborn ass..."

"Adriana," father said sternly with a very unhappy frown set on his face due to my swearing.

"I believe that is unwise," he said sending me the same glare. I clinched my fists and bit back my tongue so I wouldn't say something I would regret.

"How big is the ship?" My father asked with a twinkle in his eye. I smirked and returned the same mischievous look. Aiden caught this and his frown deepened.

"Not big at all," I answered while I smirked at Aiden. Aiden crossed his arms and rolled his eyes clearly irritated with my scheming, and to make it worse for him father is taking my side.

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