Childhood Mischief

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Chapter 1- Childhood Mischief 

I stared down my opponent and readied my weapon for the fight. I held my sword weilding arm strong and my legs balanced. He stood his ground and looked me dead in my eye and his face held a mischievous grin. He pointed his sword at my heart and said, "if I win..."

"If you win?" I asked impatiently. His grin grew wider revealing his missing tooth, which made me smirk in amusement, and I prepared myself for anything he could throw at me.

"Then I get your desert after dinner!" He finished as he thrusted his sword at me, I quickly sidestepped his attack and swung my sword at his to block it; the sounds of our wooden swords clanged together as we ducked and dodged through the sand on the beach. We felt like we looked like professionals and could beat anyone or anything thrown at us. Isn't that how all ten year olds really feel? 

As we parried down the beach Aiden backed up and his heel got stuck on a rock that sat lodged in the sand and he tripped and fell flat in his butt sending sand into the air. I put the end of my sword on the tip of his nose and smiled triumphantly. "You lose, brother!" I yelled gleefully. He snarled at me and got up and dusted sand out of his long. shaggy hair and off of his worn, tan colored shorts.

"Not fair!" He protested. "I fell that doesn't count!"

"It does too!" I argued further as we both clenched our fists preparing for our usual fights we get in. "You should of been paying attention to where you were going!"

"But..." Aiden began to further argue until we heard the front door to our small house swing open and then our mother stepped out onto the porch. 

"Aiden! Adriana!" We heard our beloved mother yell from our nearby home. "You two better not be fighting!"

 Aiden and I looked at each other and smirked then I turned and ran down the beach away from him as fast as I could. Aiden launched at me and grabbed a hold of my foot making me land face first into the sand. He pinned me down his body and laughed. "See I win this time!" He shouted in victory. I rolled over pushing him off of me. We wrestled in the sand until both of us ended up getting drenched by salt water of an crashed wave that washed up to the shore.

"Aiden and Adriana, get your butts up and out of the water!" We heard our mother yell as she stormed towards us angrily. "Go get cleaned up and changed! You're father will be back home later on today!" Our ears perked up and we immediately stood up and ran towards the house. We haven't seen our father since we were six years old, now four years have pasted since Aiden and I turned ten a month ago in May.

My brother and I took a quick bath together and changed into fresh clothes. Aiden went back into our room while I slipped on my favorite blue dress and brushed out my long dirty blond hair. "Aiiddeennn!" I yelled as I ran out of the bathroom and into my room in search of my twin. I found him laying on the bottom bunk of our bunk bed with his arms folded underneath his head. He looked at me with a cocked eye brow. "Daddy is coming home finally!" I said happily as I plopped down next to him on the bed and mimicked how he was laying. You can defiantly tell me and my brother are twins. We act the same, have the same dirty blond hair, and bright blue eyes and you never see us seperated. We are always by each other's side.

A Pirate's Life for MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora