Not that bad... (chapter 10)

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"Anyways... (Y/n)... You should go first, hehe, don't forget your name boards~, I'll be waiting.. "

I look at the name board with my plastered on it..

... Sigh

I took the board and stood in front of the white background.

This crazy lady knows all about me... I can tell she's trying to get to my head...

I held a straight face as Ray heads towards the camera.

I don't want this lady have her way... And I'm gonna show her...

Ray adjusted the camera so that it was to my height.

"What the hell does that say? ", Zack pointed to my board.

"My name, idiot", I rolled my eyes.

"Tch, I knew that, dumbass.."

"Are you ready (y/n)?", Ray held up a button, asking if I was prepared.

I'm gonna show that lady I'm not having any of this...

I gave this photo the biggest smile ever. It was as if it was gonna be shown to the world. I mean, it was genuine smile, taken the fact I was actually happy that maybe this picture can give her a goddamn message I wasn't scared of her.


A bright light flashed upon my face.

"Okay.. ", Ray said.

Zack walked towards the printer in which the photo was coming out of.

"Why does it takes so fucking long?"

"Patience", I whispered.

Then, the picture came out..


Man, I look sooo fucking ugly.

I shake my head and place my hand on my forehead.

Damn, all I see is a creature on that photo...

Ray then grabs the picture and stares at it with Zack beside her. I scratch my neck of embarrassment.

"Uh yeah.. I get it, I look uh.. I don't know just give it to m-"

"You look very pretty (y/n)", Ray looks up to me. "You're prettier than most of the girls I've seen in my life.. ", she gave in a small smile, then back to her poker face.

I still have my hand to my neck, my face was getting hot from the compliment Ray gave me. Then I look up at Zack.

Well? Are you gonna say anything..?

"... What?.. You're expecting me to compliment you? Loser, don't expect THAT much from me.. ", He spat.

I rolled my eyes, he didn't have to say THAT.

I know I'm SHIT, but come on dude, the hell?

"Well excuse me Mr. Nice guy, at least I-"

"Shut up ", he said harshly, while closing his eyes.

I cocked my head aside. It looks as if he was thinking about something. Then, he opened his eyes, and took the mugshot from Ray.

"You look...You look.. Not that bad.. ", Zack said as he placed my photo on the table.

.. Oh..

I pressed my lips together and quickly turned away to walk towards the camera.

God fucking damn it, Zack.. He did it again..

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