It's okay... (chapter 1)

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"Ah... It seems I'm floating on water... "

You cupped some water in your hands, and then let it slowly fall out. It seems too clear... Too pretty...

"... Fake"

You get up and followed the river. It almost seems as if hours passed by, until you get to the edge. A beautiful waterfall.. Without thinking you step off... With a smile


I wake up from a peculiar dream. I'm on a chair in a plain room. Looking around, there's no one else in the room, actually, there's only me, and the chair.

"Where am I...?"

I slowly get up from the chair and rubbed my eyes. For a moment, I just stood there processing what has happened, but nothing comes to me. I inspect the walls, and there's a writing on the back wall. Cautiously walking towards it, I wipe off the dust.

"Everyone is here for a reason"

I cocked my head aside

"But where is here?"

After observing the writing for a while, I then notice a door. As I step out, there is a long hallway with nothing but an elevator at the end.

"What the hell...? "

I then walk towards the elevator trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for everything that's happening. Then... I stop midway.

"What's.. What's my name?"

Thinking profoundly, it suddenly came to mind.

"Ah... (y/n) (l/n)... Yes... That's right.. "

The thought of forgetting your own name terrified me. Shaking off the thought I continued off to the elevator.

What seemed like forever, I finally made it. I glanced at the suspicious elevator up and down. Shrugging, I stepped inside. Seconds after stepping inside, a loud booming sound came from above

"The girl on the bottom floor is to become a sacrifice... Everyone, prepare each floor.. "

"A sacrifice?"

The elevator began moving.

Anxiety began swelling up within me. Rubbing my sweaty hands together, the elevator finally stopped.

The doors ominously opened, greeting me to a rather uncomfortable atmosphere of what seems to be a worn down village. Carefully, I walked out, observing the houses.

"It seems like no one is here..."

Continuing observing the houses, I heard a creak behind me. I immediately turned around to the source. However, I see nothing.

"Well, I guess curiosity will kill me"

I wasn't particularly scared at the moment, just curious. I mean if something was gonna kill me.. Wouldn't it have already?

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