Go to hell (chapter 2)

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The man with olive hair smiled at us. Rachel and I looked each other in the eye. We both got up, but I stood in front of Rachel in a protective manner and eyed the man. He gave a look of disapproval.

"Why, there's no need to fear me, especially you, Rachel"

"Who are you" I cautiously ask whilst holding Rachels hand.

"You don't remember me, Rachel? I'm your doctor, Daniel Dickens" he smiles yet again.

His smile is strange..

Rachel then steps up, still in hand with me. "Doctor..?"

"Ah it seems you have forgotten me" he sighs.

"Well then, that doesn't matter at the moment, shall we get out of here together?"

Rachel then asks, "Doctor... There was a manic chasing us.."

"Ah don't worry he won't get here " he chuckles

Hm... I stare at the man questionably

"Are you ill Ms (y/n)?"

I shook my head "what.. I'm fine"

"well then, shall we get going"

He steps ahead and gestures up to follow him. Though I am unsure, there is nothing else to do but to follow. We follow him down an endless hallway.

I haven't noticed it earlier, but he seems too calm being in such a situation like this. Just then he stops suddenly, causing me to almost trip. He didn't say a word, but Rachel asks

"(y/n), are you okay?.. "

I nodded. I looked up and this... Daniel guy... Had his hand up on a thick glass wall.

"Well, it looks like this is the end" he turns and says "it looks like it's just the three of us now" he chuckled.

I could've sworn.. He had an insane look on him for a second... But it must be my imagination... Right?

"ah, no need to worry" he placed a hand on each of our shoulders.
"we will figure this out together... "

I instinctively brushed his hand off and pull Rachel towards me. Again, he gave us a look of disapproval, but he too, brushed off this look.

"Come, follow, I know a room"

He knows this place well...

He brought us to a room that was full of... Interesting stuff. Rachel started walking towards a wall, and I followed. She brushed off the dust

"Do you know what it is that you wish for? Do you know what is your desire? If these desires come from the heart, then resting them is futile. For the fact that you are here, means that you lack that kind of will. But fulfilling those wishes come at a price: just be sure not to break the rules."

Desire? Rules?... Heart?

"What is desire?" Rachel curiously asked.

"Well.. ", Daniel chuckled. He takes off his glasses "I suppose that's different for every individual" he put one of his hands on one of his eye.

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