Flames of Desperation

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I'm really sorry for the wait! As some of you know, school has started, and I spent the last week getting into the groove of things. Of schedule will change, but I appreciate the continued support. The length is deplorable and for that I'm sorry. I did it for cliffhanger purposes. Sorry for the shitty sentence structure. 


     "Agh!" I screamed again as I slammed into another tree. The four neon conduits, in the few minuets they had been there, had absolutely kicked my ass into a fine powder. "Seriously?! What... do you guys... want?!"

"It's like we said." The boy who had first attacked me spoke. "You're a liability to our cause. We can't have DUP conduits running around now can we?" 

"I hate the DUP as much as anyone else! I'd never side with them." 

"But you tried to save them! You openly protected them from me!" I smoke dashed away from another blast of neon that went past me. 

"I just don't believe they all have to die!" I yelled. The boy paused, thinking. 

"Then I believe you do." He shot towards me, his body turning to neon light before he slammed into me, sending me back through several trees. My healing power was working, but not fast enough. I couldn't possibly hope to take them all. I could run back to the others. Surely Goodwitch would be more than happy to lend a hand... No. I can't risk them getting hurt.

     I heard the quad coming again, though at this point I didn't believe they had seen me yet. Nearby were a few bushes, so seeing as I didn't have much choice, I hid. "Where are you, ass wipe?!" One of them yelled. 

"He's gotta be around here somewhere. The tree breaking ends right here." I heard a girl's voice. The two of them were about ten feet away, and another stood five feet past them. Then another figure, draped in the uniform black cloak, stepped in front of my bush. Seeing as none of them were looking, I saw this as a grand opportunity. I popped up, firing a cinder missile at the group of three while wrapping my chain around the neck of the one in front of me. The chain was already heated, so it started burning through the guy's neck immediately. While the others recovered, I fired a point-blank cinder missile at the conduit before me. It knocked him back, but I kept him in a firm place with my chain. 

     It was then I started seeing flashes of neon to my right, so, grabbing the conduit in front of me, I swung us around to the right and used him as a meat shield. This proved effective when two neon beams struck him. He screamed out in pain as the concentrated light probably pierced skin. The two combatants who had shot him moved in different directions, most likely a flanking tactic. I have to knock him out...  but this might kill him... fuck it! They came to kill me, so why don't I return the favor.

     I kicked the back of his knee, bringing him onto one while sending all the heat I could muster into my hands. Which were currently on his face. He shrieked as I burned him. For only a second, however, I smirk grew on my face. The knowledge that his life was in my hands, and that he would be gone to my strength, my power, filled me with glee. Like I said, only a second. Something or someone hit me in the back and sent me flying back into the clearing. I stuck out my hands and landed in a dive roll, immediately standing back up. A sigh of relief escaped my lips when I saw only three of them. The main boy, the first one I 'met' neon dashed at me, though this time it wasn't a ram. He stopped short and swung a neon encased fist at my head but  I countered by launching my own flame- engulfed fist at him. Our hands collided, creating a shock wave of energy. He swung again; so did I. It became a fist fight; I dodged what I could, though was hit quite a lot. Thankfully him and I seemed to be on equal terms in the hand to hand category. 

Paint and Flame (RWBY X Male Conduit Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt