Queen or Princess?

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Pidge got up slowly. She grabbed matts hand before he tripped over his own feet slowly. Everything she did, she did it slowly. Except for walking with Voltron and the troops. Voltron lead the way, the king and Matt surrounded by their first guards bodyguards and Voltron. Lotor was stood next to Lance. In between him and Keith. Pidge was in front. She lead the way stood next to Shiro.

Shiro places both hands on her waist and hoisted her onto his shoulders. She smiled as she looked from high above. Lotor and Keith giggled at her. Lance chuckled and Hunk let out a heart laugh soon to be followed by the troops. Alura has a hand on her mouth and giggled. Pidge just stared at the scenery as Shiro walked.

The dark greens mixed with blues and purples danced as the wind blew softly making the leaves dance and sing. But they came to a sudden holt. Shiro picked up Katie and protectively placed her behind him. She peaked around him to see a very large group of soldiers, their swords and shields drawn and pointed at the opposite group. She stood out next to Shiro as she stared at the boys. They stared back at her. One particular   smiled. Then he told his soldiers to place their swords down.
"Pidge, it's great to see you out of your forests. I hope you remember us, the troops you sent out years ago, to spy?" He said. She smiled and jumped to hug him.
"Jack! I mean Commandant Trulq." He Let our a heart laugh.
"You haven't changed a little. Please allow us to follow your troops and fight for you once more." She nodded and they added themselves to the many people behind Shiro and Voltron soldiers.

After many hours the troops set camp in a forest close to a lake of mystic water.

Everyone seemed to sleep quickly other than a few. Katie, Keith and Lotor. Lotor just crawled closer to Lance and fell asleep easier. Keith was trying to sleep. But Katie seemed to wander off. To the lake.

She looked into the ripples of the lake and saw a woman that wasn't herself. She had short purple hair, with a lighter pinkish purple streak and lilac skin. Next to her stood another woman with long blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She seemed to be similar to Alura. Katie reached into the water. They grabbed her hands, she pulled them out. The water was like plastic and was trying to keep them captive. But after many minutes of trying she managed to pull them out. They bowed to her slightly.
"Thank you, Elf, we are great full." The older one said. The other one looked at her smaller frame.
"Your so cute! But seriously thank you for helping us." The younger female bowed.
"I am Queen Krolia, thrown off the thrown by my no good of a brother Zarcon, I had a young boy but I do believe he is all grown up now." Krolia bowed to Katie. Then the young female spoke.
"I'm Romella I believe my brother's life was taken by a kingdom called Galra. I found Krolia and we helped each other until we swam in this lake. A spell must've been laid as we were then stuck. Only you haven't run away you helped us. Who are you?" Romella asked confused and happy. Katie caught her breath and smiled.
"My name is Princess Katelyn Louise Holt, guardian of the forest, it's very nice to meet you Queen and Princess." They just looked at her shocked. Then Katie began to walk back to the lake. Splashing the water on her  face.

Lotor has woken up and noticed she wasn't there so he scouted the area. Grabbing two women he hadn't known and held them down.
"Where is the princess?" He asked calmly.
"I am Overthrown Queen Krolia, now a Duchess, and this is Princess Romella!" The purple woman said. Lotor huffed. Infuriated.
"I am Prince Lotor first in command of protecting the princess! Tell me where she is!" He commanded. Romella grabbed his arm and swapped places with him. Letting Krolia up.
"Lets go back to the lake, this guys probably gonna follow us." Romella stated. Krolia nodded walking back to the lake, leaving Lotor there questioning what they meant. She snuck after them. Katie was splashing her face with water and making her face glow a healthier skin tone. Not her absolute paper white complexion. The Duchess and Princess walked up to her.
"Hi again, this guys looking for you he looks galra and like a commercial for that hair brand, I think it was L'Oréal." Katie snorted quite unladylike and scared the other females.
"Lotor?" She laughed even more.
"He's nice yet crazy. Y'know." The girls looked at her and Lotor jumped out of the trees scaring the ever living sh*t out of the females. Katie only flinched but the others fill out screamed. Krolia got into fighting stance and she pulled out her knife.
Katie walked over to Lotor and he bowed. She smirked and decided to play with him for a bit.
"Did you threaten these females!" She asked politely yet she acted as if she was the angriest person if he did. He nodded his head and looked down.
The girls caught on and laughed at them. Then Katie joined.
"Stand up Lotor you daft bugger, you did it to make sure I was okay." She ruffled his hair and he grabbed her in a playful headlock. He ruffled her hair and dragged all three female back to camp.
"Please sleep, we have a battle to face tomorrow." Katie nodded. The duchess and princess were already sleeping so Katie drifted off in Lotors hold. And so did he...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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