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??? POV

My generals moved forward. By command. Capture Katie, kill her, make no Holt live, or their bloodline survive. That was our task. We found her. But there was a shadow that I noticed. Probably nothing. I unsheathed my sword. Using both hands and holding it on her chest above her heart. But I was slow, the shadow had pushed me to the ground. It's eyes were red at this moment. It's skin was sandpapery and lilac. White long locks of hair drifting behind it. Could it be? Prince Lotor, the guardian of the innocent, heir to the empire. My sword was held in his hand.
"I'd recommend never coming to get her again. Or you will be killed. Tell your troops she is nowhere to be found." He commanded. I was terrified of what he might do. So I sheathed my sword and scrambled off reporting the Sendak what I have found out.

Lotors POV

Katie, please. Your brother and father are fighting in this war. Striving to find you. They were in a camping trip when the house burnt to the ground. When they came back they were angered. Anger pulling them in fight.

I picked her up, holding her bridal style and began to walk to my territory. The Federation. She hasn't been here in a while. I take her inside and dress her wounds. They were almost gone, she was quiet a quick healer. Her eyes drifted open. A fiery chestnut and a light green eye looking into my purple eyes. A small curve to her lip,
"Who are you?" Her dry voice asked. I helped her stand. Her arm slung around my shoulder. Mine around her waist. She needed air so I took her outside. The moment everyone was called for a meeting.
"Troops. We cannot lay here much longer. Sendak is sending his forces. King-high Elf Holt, High elf-prince Holt, please give your orders." He bowed as two men came on stage. Katie could recognise them from a blurry memory.
"First of, give Sendak dead meat, talking about our wounded. Since only few are wounded–" before he could continue Katie protested against him.
"That wouldn't work, they would know your plans," she coughed out. He looked at her, her one green eye shining and her chestnut eye blazing like flames. He glared at her.
"And how would you know?" He asked cockily. She stepped into the light with help from me.
"My name is Pidge. I am the guardian and protector of the forest and its people." She stated. God this girl is good. She withers a bit, groaning. She was light weight.
"And here you are, in the arms of Lotor, wounded." He stated.
"Katie!" Yelled Shiro's. Once is the distance.
"Pidge!" Yelled Keith's. She smiled softly as she let go of Lotors arm for a second, only to stumble.
"Raptonue!" She yelled. Her ring glowing. The group of boys came up to the camp.
"Pidge." Lance hugged her.
"we thought we lost you out there." Hunk squeezed her. The prince of high elf's walks down from his thrown and grabbed Katie's collar. He held her up on the wall by the colour. But she moved her legs outwards and managed to unsheathe her blades. Holding them to the princes neck.

"My name is Katelyn Louise Holt. No one messes with me." She hissed at him holding his collar holding him up. Her blades in on hand. He whimpered. She only realised what she did in that moment, letting go of his cloth.
"Sendak, he plays dirty." I smile at her. She is one hard chick.
"If I can beat you to a move like that, then you haven't got a chance unless you plan out of the box. With that she let him down. The King-high-elf looked at their wide eyed...

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