Katie Holt?

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Katie's POV

I wish I hadn't revealed my name.
"Katelyn- Katelyn- H-Holt?" Tears dropped down high-elf kings cheeks. He walked towards me. The prince looking in disgust. The King wrapped his arms around me, hugging me. He patted my short hair. A green light emitting from my body. My eyes full red. My skin becoming paler. The King I stood back in shock after seeing the green light. I could barely breath.

"Agora please look after Katie, I don't want to loose another family member." Her father said. His face was quiet young, holdin a small child next to him. Her brother.
"Of Course your highness. Your wife was a surprising woman who was amazing." With that a small child, a baby female elf, was handed to the male space demon. Later that night he grabbed his sword. Guarding the outside.
Trigot, a large tree like demon, hypnotised grabbed a lit torch, and his sword. He slashed the space demons chest. Placing him inside the house. Then lit the babies room on fire-

Lotors POV

As the green died down I saw tears, fully red glowing and blood. Blood coming out of her left eye and tears coming out of her right.
"Katie!" I yelled, pulling her back to the real world.
"Dad, Matt." She cried. "Agora, I'm sorry you got involved and killed." She stood up, wiping the blood and tears away. Turning around and prancing into the distance slightly. Everyone looked to see what she was doing. Sendak was here already. She had grabbed her enchanted swords and her armour evolved on her. She crossed her swords. When she uncrossed her swords purple blood spurted out of Sendak.
"No more Sendak, you killed your own kind, and for what. To kill a princess who is still alive?" He looked at her smirking.
"What can I say, I like killi-" she stabbed him in the heart. Eyes fiery.
"This is for killing my favourite friend when I was only a baby." Her pale skin seemed to illuminate and glow as she stumbled slightly awaking from her trance. She walked back to the camp. Blood on her armour. Vines erupting from the ground helping her get up the hill by making stairs that immediately disappears after she took the next step up. Matt looked at her shocked.
"Katie! Oh my god, Katie-Katie-Katie-Kat-Pidge!" He yelled jumping on her. Hugging her. Leaves appeared from the ground to comfort her fall. She hugged back. Arms wrapped around his torso. His shoulder was the place she nestled her head.
"I'm so happy I found you." "Ditto Matt, ditto..."

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