Warrior or Traitor

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Lotors POV

This girl. She is really something. I used to work for the Galran empire seeing as I am the all mighty son of Zarcon and his wife, or as I know her now, Hagar, aka Hag. I hate my family. I'd much rather be born of Shiro's parents, they are super cool people, although they could be dead as they are hostages in a dangerous country at the moment, or Hunks parents, never go a day starving, or Lances parents, they already have lots of children but that means more social skills. My family, the worst of them all, king and Queen of the Galran Empire. Conquer the world, never let the Empire fall. That is my family. I am an only child, I do not get fed extremely often when I was with them, it was for the ones who fought or participated in the war. Maybe I got food every week. I have to savour my food. Yet Katie, sorry Pidge, has been eating what she can that isn't meet, it has to be naturally grown as she wishes to never harm the beautiful forest. Like come on it is amazing how long she can last on a few strawberries. Hold up, am I having feelings for this girl? Nope, nopedy nope nope. Not happening. Although if she did get hurt of captured I would be there to save her. I mean- her and Voltron of course.

Although if thing between me and her work out or Lance and Keith then I'm going all in for the blue paladin. But who wouldn't. Chiselled chin, beautiful light brown completion, baby blue eyes, romantic attidtude, bisexual! This is my type of boy. I am bisexual myself that is why I am 10X more loveable and have a lot more love to give.

(Okay, look if you are a homophobe then please, don't read my fanfics. People who hate LGBTQ+ (and/or straight) please back off, these people can give a lot more love than those who hate them. If you like one gender, or both or if you are unique in any way shape or form, live life to the fullest. We are the coolest b**hes around, don't hesitate to be yourself. I'm sorry this for unrelated. But I know a few people who hate homosexuals, I don't. Honestly if you are LGBTQ+ (and/or straight)it just shows you are brave to be yourself, you love who you love, you are who you are, no one can change you, and you shouldn't have to. If someone tries to change you, tell them to back off. If you wanna change yourself, you do what you wanna do, don't let people control you and your beautiful selves. Here's my advice, look in the mirror and smile, then say: 'I am a beautiful person, people will love me for me, I ain't gonna change for them,  I am gonna love myself and my friends and family. No one is gonna get me down' please it makes me feel a whole lot better, I hope it does to you too. Sorry if this got sappy. And you don't have to take my advice, it's just if someone gets you down, if your LGBTQ+ or straight I strongly advise 1) going to an adult (if your an adult you can get comfort from anyone, even kids can give advice) and 2) try my advice, if it doesn't work, just have fun, love yourself for you, go and enjoy life, be the person you wanna be.
Oh and did you know that in olden day Gay used to mean happy, and I believe the rainbow represents all of the sexualities together working as one large happy family. We are all make up of the same Cosmic dust, we just come in different forms. Again I'm sorry for getting backtracked) I'm gonna leave it at that cause it's like three o'clock in the morning. Love you guys. I'm not saying that all straight people hate LGBTQ+ I'm saying that all people, straight people are homophobic cause I know for a fact vast majority love every living being for them, and they will never hate, or if your of a different sexuality we are all equal, the same cosmic dust created us, let's embrace it. I love you guys. I'll see you later.

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