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    I stared up at the ceiling, the light shining through my window. I turned my head to see my younger brother Dijin walk past my door.

"Big sis, breakfast is ready!" he said joyfully, with a large goofy grin on his face.

"Mmm." I replied, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

Dijin was always so happy, so it made me happy to see his smiling face every morning. I got up and put on my normal outfit.

My outfit consist of a slightly cropped navy blue tank top with my clan crest on the back, my headband around my neck, loose purple pants, blue sandals, mesh around my elbows and some tied bandages around my right shoulder.

I walked down the stairs to be greeted with smiled from my parents and Dijin.

"Will you ever wear something different?" My dad asked.

This is just what I like to wear." I replied, tired of the same question every day. My mom smiled.

We talked and ate until it was time for school.

I'm in the seventh grade, and Dijin was in fourth. I was adopted into the Yaki family. Even though we're not related by blood, they love me all the same. I decided to take the last name Yaki, and keep Uchiha as my unknown middle name.

"We love you!" My parents called out to us as Dijin and I walked out the door. "We love you too!" we called back in unison as we parted ways for our separate bus stops.

(I know the picture quality sucks, but this is a picture I drew of Muyukara, and I thought you guys would like to see her

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(I know the picture quality sucks, but this is a picture I drew of Muyukara, and I thought you guys would like to see her.)

This was a sort chapter, but I thought I would post it anyways.

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