Chapter 24: Flashbacks

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(A/N:) This is a rare occasion where I do an Author's Note before the chapter starts. I just wanted to say a massive thank you to @TommoTease . She has helped me so much these past few days and I really don't know what I would have done without her advice. This is just a small way to say thank you but I want the first dedication I give during this story to be to her. So here it is, this chapter is dedicated to @TommoTease . I look up to her in so many ways. You guys should really check out her works and she is just amazing and lovely! xx :) 


It had been a little over three months since I took the pregnancy test when Niall and I found out the news. It had been a rough ride, that was for sure. I really had felt almost every emotion possible. I had felt sadness, because of course there were quite the number of directioners that would call me things like "slut." and "whorebag." I didn't even know 'whorebag' was a word! Oh well. It was tough seeing people type those things about you and being exposed to that kind of stuff on the Internet. I also experienced a lot of anger. I was also angry by the comments and the talk about my pregnancy. When your boyfriend is a worldwide pop-star and he gets his girlfriend pregnant at age eighteen, you can bet there are going to be hundreds of magazines, celeb gossip shows, and interviews asking about it. I was jealous. Jealous of Haley for still being able to date Zayn without stupid reporters and paparazzi in her face 24/7 asking about her relationship. Cause unlike me, her relationship was currently perfect. She hadn't had a single fight with Zayn and she wasn't freaking pregnant like stupid ole me. There were also rumors Niall and I were getting married because of the promise ring I have. We have only been dating for four months and are only eighteen! Geez!

I also felt the emotions of love and excitement. It's exciting to know that soon you will be welcoming a new child into this world. My baby will be showered with love and adoration from Niall and I both. It's going to be a challenge to balance being pregnant with finishing my senior year of high school, but I can do it. I won't give up. I couldn't ask for a better person to help me through this either. Niall had been absolutely wonderful. Before we knew I was pregnant, I would rank him as an absolutely amazing boyfriend. But now? I would say he is a perfect boyfriend. Actually he has surpassed the perfect mark, didn't know that possible. But Niall made it possible.

So now where am I you ask? I am in the hospital right now for a regular check up appointment to make sure my baby is healthy and everything.  Niall had come to every one of these appointments with me so far. It's kind of scary to go alone. Today, hopefully, we will find out the sex of the baby. Right now, we were in the waiting room because along with the checkup, we were waiting for the XRays to finish up. Niall was dozing off, I had my head on his shoulder where his head lightly rested on top of mine. I thought about the reactions of my parents and the boys when we first told them about our baby.......

****** Telling the boys******

"Niall, we should probably skype the boys. They need to know and this may be te only time we are together for awhile." It was about a half hour after we had found out I was pregnant and had already told Haley and Zayn. 

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