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So, I have unfortunately decided to end this book after this chapter. I apologize- but I'll explain. First of all, this book has kind of lost it's novelty for me- and evidently for other readers. Second, as you know, many authors give you only one or two per chapter and thus are able to upload both quickly and reach 150-200 chapters. Mine will stop at 50. :| This means that i've pretty much run dry of anything that doesn't take 2 hours of digging through tumblr to find. 

Also, It's just become less fun. Sure, I still love looking over this book and cracking up, but it's begun to feel more like an obligation to my readers. I've moved onto some other stuff- i'm both editing my actual story for completion and I've also started an art book- go check it out!(shameless self promo). Anyway, this is the last chapter. I've decided to just compile EVERYTHING I have sitting in various desktop and google drive folders. I hope you enjoy!


Look up "will percy jackson ever die" translated into greek

Then translate that greek into english

See what it says


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We're not crazy

We're just partially insane.


Don't fucking interrupt me when I'm reading my angsty gay fics or you'll be in great danger

no i don't have a whole section of my library dedicated to angsty pipabeth fics what are you talking about


27 sickles to a galleon and 19 knuts to a sickle seems like a pretty confusing system for a group of people that stop learning math at the age of 11


The seemingly insignificant difference between Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

i'm just over here bawling my eyes out


James to Albus: No wonder there's no cute girls to take to the Ball. They're all our sister or our cousins.


[the seven are trying to find Mrs O'Leary by wearing Percy's clothes]

Percy: Why is the whole squad here? And why is everyone wearing my clothes? My gods, you lost Mrs O'Leary.

Jason: How did you do that?!


Nico: What're are we gonna do?

Jason: Ah, what are you worried about? You're so small they probably won't even see you.

Nico: Jason, is this really the time to be making short jokes?

Jason: Nico, there is never not a time, because, just like you, life is short.


lily: harry said a bad word today

james: where the fuck did he learn that?


Ravenclaw: It's like we finish each other's....

Hufflepuff: H-homework?

Ravenclaw: .....?

Hufflepuff, sliding their work over to Ravenclaw and crying: please


Clary: I don't have feelings for Jace anymore, he's my brother. So, time for me to get out there and spread my-

Izzy: -legs?

Clary: ...wings.

Clary: Get out there and spread my legs???


Clary: *Gets angry and starts yelling.*

Magnus: I didn't know so much rage could fit in such a small person.


queen of air and darkness is the infinity war of the shadowhunter chronicles franchise 

I'm going to scream when I get it


Magnus: Do you like my outfit?

Alec: Not as much as I like what's underneath it.

Magnus: *gasps*

Alec: No, I need your chair. Get up.


Tessa: I love this whole "good cop/bad cop" thing you two have going.

Jem: It's not really a thing, it's more like I'm nice and Will is not

i'm crying rn


Me talking about every single ship I like: "They're my otp" 


Me, with a book that I love:"omfg this book is amazing it deserves a movie!!"

Also me, when a book I love is rumoured to be turned into a movie: "omfg they're going to ruin it is nothing sacred


I'll probably be an old lady and still read young adult novels.

No- I'll be writing them.


Well, there you have it! The end to this book. I hope you all enjoyed-this was a lot of fun to make! I hope you stay with me and check out some of my other stuff ;)

I love you all, kisses

-Blue Raven <3

This book was completed on 8/22/18

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